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Expectations, Rules, and Procedures Mrs. McDade Room 102 Reading Expeditions & Eng 9.

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Presentation on theme: "Expectations, Rules, and Procedures Mrs. McDade Room 102 Reading Expeditions & Eng 9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expectations, Rules, and Procedures Mrs. McDade Room 102 Reading Expeditions & Eng 9

2 Classroom rules Five Rules For Success Objective: to promote a Positive Learning Environment 1.Be on time to class 2.Be attentive during class 3.Be respectful and not argumentative 4.Be respectful of property and belongings 5.Follow West Way Expectations (Responsible, Respectful, Safe)

3 Expectation #1: Entering the classroom Respectfully – no pushing, shoving or running Prepared for class – Find out info aboutthe daily passage from the board – have a writing utensil, paper, textbook and assignments – you will not be given a pass during the first 10 min. Quietly – no shouting when entering my classroom

4 Procedure #1: How to start class: Upon entering get daily passage from teacher Before the bell rings—get materials and sit in your assigned seat Have a pencil, pen, and computer ready before the bell rings. Begin reading the daily passage and complete the question/answer section—for daily points. Be ready to listen to the WOD (word of the day)—given by teacher or ‘student teacher’ after opener is completed.

5 Expectation #2: During class behavior:  Follow the classroom rules.  Pay attention to instructions  Listen actively!!! (not passively) That means head up—eyes focused on the board or the teacher.  Get started with work when assigned.  Use your time wisely.  Refrain from the BLURTS—but do participate.  Use your brain—learn as much as you can everyday.

6 Procedure #2 During class behavior Have all distractions turned off (cell phone and music) Pay attention Read and respond to assignments SLANT Raise hand/interact with class discussion You are learning and gaining valuable information during this class

7 Procedure #3 End of Class Activities During the final 5 minutes of class, pay attention to wrap up directions Put workbooks and textbooks in proper locations Push chairs in and clean up any trash on the table or on the floor Quietly wait for dismissal

8 Procedure #3: End of Class Activity Exit ticket: some days you will have a question to answer or response for something we read—you will write on an index card or sticky note and leave with me before leaving the room.

9 Penalties/Rewards PenaltiesRewards Warning cards will be given for failure to follow the rules --yellow card (1 st warning) --red card (2 nd warning) Individual Rewards— --candy/gum/pencil for exceptional behavior or participation --earn a West Way coin for exceptional behavior Detention assignment --after receiving two warning cards --after being tardy 3 times --blatant disrespect Note: All detentions will be served on Thursdays (during lunch, seminar, or after school) Class Rewards— --earn Free Time for Fridays --up to 15 minutes possible -- entire class MUST follow Acceptable Behavior guidelines Cell phone or electronic device removed --put on teacher’s desk after 2 nd warning --taken to office after 3 rd offense

10 How to have fun! Follow the procedures every day. Be a good citizen! – Be polite to others. – Have manners. – Follow the West Way!

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