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Morning Meeting Why we need it and how to implement it into your classroom curriculum.

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Presentation on theme: "Morning Meeting Why we need it and how to implement it into your classroom curriculum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Morning Meeting Why we need it and how to implement it into your classroom curriculum

2 Why? 1. Builds community, and fosters a positive/safe classroom environment 2. Nurtures positive teacher-student interactions 3. Serves as a buffer for students between home life and school life 4. Teaches basic social skills 5. Sets a positive tone for the day

3 Morning Meeting Rules -Establish morning meeting rules before your first morning meeting -Students can help generate a list of rules that can be written on a poster/chart paper -Rules should be discussed, modeled and practiced multiple times

4 Sample Rules 1. Sit criss cross and knee to knee 2. Look at the speaker 3. Make eye contact 4. Silent unless you are the speaker 5. Participate

5 Basic Elements of a Morning Meeting 1. Greeting 2. Message/ Announcements 3. Share 4. Activity

6 Greeting -Take turns greeting each other with a handshake and a prompt of “Good morning, _______” -Remember to be accommodating to cultural sensitivities such as handshaking and eye contact -Songs and Chants: “Say your name” chant -Games: pick a number greeting, spider web

7 Message/Announcements -Keep it short and simple -Add announcements, academics, current events -Read it together, read it to your students, or choose a volunteer to read. Example: Good Morning First Grade, Today is September 12, 2012. Today we have gym. We will learn about spiders. Help me circle the punctuation in this message! Have a great day! Love, Mrs. O

8 Share -Teaches students to take turns, listen to a speaker, and work on public speaking skills -Daily, weekly, monthly sharing by students -Students share information about important events in their lives. Listeners offer empathetic comments or ask clarifying questions.

9 Game or Activity -A brief activity that fosters community building -This is a great way to incorporate character education -for example, reciting a poem, dancing, singing, or playing a game that reinforces social or academic skills

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