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Human Genome Project DNA fingerprinting Transgenic Organisms

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Presentation on theme: "Human Genome Project DNA fingerprinting Transgenic Organisms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bio.3.3.3 Evaluate some of the ethical issues surrounding the use of DNA technology.

2 Human Genome Project DNA fingerprinting Transgenic Organisms
What are the reasons for establishing the human genome project? How is the human genome project useful? DNA fingerprinting What are the uses of DNA fingerprinting? What is a specific case DNA fingerprinting has been used in? Transgenic Organisms How are transgenic organisms used in agriculture, industry, and pharmaceuticals? What is a specific example of one of these uses? Ethical Issues What are 2 ethical issues of stem cell research? What is an ethical issue of genetically modified organisms?

3 Instructions Using websites provided research one of the topics provided. Create a poster in groups on each of the topics. Share with the class. This will be your notes!

4 Websites Human Genome Project DNA fingerprinting Transgenic Organsims
DNA fingerprinting Transgenic Organsims Ethical Issues

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