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At all times and in all places, we: Are safe. Are responsible. Are respectful. Show GRIT!

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Presentation on theme: "At all times and in all places, we: Are safe. Are responsible. Are respectful. Show GRIT!"— Presentation transcript:

1 At all times and in all places, we: Are safe. Are responsible. Are respectful. Show GRIT!

2 At all times and in all places, we: Treat others with respect. Use appropriate language and voice level. Comply with adult instructions. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Treat Cele property with care. Walk with a purpose on the right. Demonstrate GRIT!

3 Cele Expectations: -Hats are appropriate at home or off-campus. -Water is the only acceptable liquid in classrooms. -Gum is appropriate at home or off-campus. -Earbuds and headphones should be out of sight between 7:40 & 3:35. Please put them away when you are in the building. -Cell phones should be out of sight between 7:40 & 3:35. Cell phones will be collected if out. -Teachers are not able to release students from class during the first or last ten minutes.

4 Hallway Expectations

5 -Be Safe: - Keep hands, feet, and belongings to yourself. - Walk with a purpose on the right. -Be Respectful: - Use appropriate language & voice level. - Comply with adult instructions. -Be Responsible - Make it to your destination on time.

6 On the Stairs To Enter ALL hallways: Use the Stairs on the LEFT side of the building To Exit ALL hallways: Use the Stairs on the RIGHT side of the building

7 On the Stairs And WALK across

8 On the Stairs IN OUT

9 You may only walk THIS WAY Down this hallway during passing periods. By the Computer Labs This area of the 700 hall is ONE WAY traffic only:

10 What do these pictures have in common? These students are all using their cell phones outside of school. Put it away when you enter. Take it out when you hear the 3:35 bell. This is simply a campus expectation. Once you enter the building, if your phone is out before 3:35, it will be collected.

11 Show what it means to be a proud Cele Colt and earn Colt Cash! Great kids doing great things receive Colt Cash. Colt Cash can be used to purchase items at the Cele Store every Friday at lunch in the cafeteria.

12 Kevin Durant Watch this video with your class.this video Take 30 seconds to think of 3 words or phrases that come to mind after watching this video. When your teacher says “go”, take 45 seconds to share these words or phrases with your neighbor. If there is time, your teacher may choose to have pairs share out with the class.


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