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Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Future of the GMD Can it be improved? Are there other ways to fulfill its function?

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Presentation on theme: "Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Future of the GMD Can it be improved? Are there other ways to fulfill its function?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Future of the GMD Can it be improved? Are there other ways to fulfill its function?

2 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Workshop Plan  background  what is causing a re-evaluation of the GMD? Logical structure of AACR new 0.24 FRBR  brief glance at proposed outline for AACR3  some ideas in the cataloguing community  ideas from you discussion

3 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 GMD  general material designation term indicating broad class of material term first used in ISBDs in 1977 term adopted by AACR2  optional different practices within AACR community

4 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 AACR1 designations in parentheses Chap. 12. Motion pictures and filmstrips Shoe-shine (Motion picture) Lighthouses (Filmstrip) transcription of title + designation this is not a “uniform title” very limited use other non-book resources: no designations

5 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 AACR2 general material designations + specific material designations title proper + [GMD] broad range of terms covering different contents and different carriers optional

6 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 AACR2  Intent when developing list of GMDs: “generic list of media designations that would minimize the disruption to library catalogues. This meant that the list of terms would be practical rather than theoretical or philosophical” Jean Weihs, A somewhat personal history of nonbook cataloguing. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 31:3/4, 2001, p. 177.

7 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Function of the GMD  developed in the era of the card catalogue: informs the user about the type of material gives “early warning” because of its placement in the title area not intended as a limit or as a search term uses controlled vocabulary: LIST 1 or LIST 2 differentiates between resources with identical or similar titles

8 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Use of GMDs In the card catalogue:  identification  differentiation (to select, obtain appropriate resource) OPAC  identification  differentiation (to select, obtain appropriate resource)  controlled vocabulary search term

9 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Where are the problems?  GMD evolved to answer a practical need broadening of library resources to include non- book  dissatisfaction starts to appear as new media develop  new demands on cataloguing rules logical analysis + new theoretical frameworks questions about GMDs

10 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Winds of change  re-examination of AACR 1997 International Conference on the Principles and Future Development of AACR  development of analytical models Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records  analyzes bibliographic records Logical Structure of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules  analyzes the cataloguing rules that produce the description part of bibliographic records

11 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 1997 International Conference 1997 International Conference on the Principles and Future Development of AACR  content vs carrier issue  need to be able to describe new media as they develop, deal with new forms of publishing, etc.  impact of electronic resources  identify principles and structures underlying AACR  revise rule 0.24 (among many other outcomes)

12 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Logical Structure of AACR Tom Delsey’s logical analysis of AACR points out inconsistencies, problem areas, obstacles.  “class of materials” ≠ physical carrier (perspective: structure of rules in Part 1 and how to deal with new media, new forms of expression) physical carrier only defines 5 of the classes of materials represented by chapters in Part 1 mixture of chapters in Part 1 for content, form of expression and physical carrier

13 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Logical Structure of AACR Class of materials analyzed: content cartographic materials graphic materials three-dimensional artefacts and realia form of expression music physical carrier sound recordings motion pictures videorecordings microforms computer files/electronic resources

14 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Logical Structure of AACR GMDs inform user about the broad class of material content realia cartographic material form of expression music (expressed in musical notation) physical carrier filmstrip slide videorecording

15 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Logical Structure of AACR  questions raised: “if certain classes are defined on the basis of the form of the physical carrier and others are determined on the basis of the type of content or the intellectual form in which the content is expressed, how is a determination to be made as to which criterion takes precedence in classing new forms of material?” boundaries between classes: are they precise enough, comprehensive enough? if a resource belongs to more than one class?

16 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Logical Structure of AACR Constituent entities or elements of the “document” analyzed:  content intellectual or artistic substance set as  infixion formatting of content stored on  physical carrier physical medium housed in  container physically separable housing significance of both content and physical carrier information

17 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 New 0.24  change AACR rule 0.24 radical impact on organization of Part 1 FROM primacy of the one class of material to which the resource belongs starting point = physical form of the resource in hand TO bring out all aspects of the resource being described

18 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Impact of new 0.24 assumption in old 0.24 class/type of materials = physical form with new 0.24:  does the current structure of the rules in Part 1 make any sense? Part 1 of AACR2 = mixture of chapters for form of content, form of expression and physical carriers

19 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Impact of new 0.24 3 form of content chapters cartographic materials graphic materials three-dimensional artefacts and realia 1 form of expression chapter music 4 physical carrier chapters sound recordings motion pictures and videorecordings electronic resources microforms

20 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Impact of new 0.24  if all relevant aspects are to be described, what does one do about the GMD? (ISBD community also studying) some suggestions to combine GMDs: GMD (qualifier) does this work with current lists of terms? does it only work if GMD = content/expression and qualifier = carrier compound GMDs GMD 1 + GMD 2

21 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 FRBR : final report of IFLA Study Group  the report had 2 purposes: 1. to provide a clearly defined, structured framework for relating the data that are recorded in bibliographic records to the needs of the users of those records 2. to recommend a basic level of functionality for records created by national bibliographic agencies (FRBR 1.1)  report describes an entity-relationship model resulting from an analysis of the data in bibliographic records

22 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 User needs  Find  Identify  Select  Obtain  Navigate

23 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 FRBR model  entities ● in bibliographic records ● important to the user ● divided into 3 groups  attributes of the entities  relationships between the entities

24 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Group 1 entities products of intellectual or artistic endeavour work expression manifestation item

25 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Group 1 entities: work is realized through expression is embodied in manifestation is exemplified by FRBR 3.1.1 item

26 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Example w = idea for the Robinson Crusoe story (in Defoe’s head) is realized through e = original English text as he wrote it is embodied in m = London, printed for W. Taylor, 1719 is exemplified by i = copy owned by Yale

27 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Attributes of Group 1 entities: work: title, form or genre, date, medium of performance, coordinates (map) … expression: title of the expression, form of the expression, language of the expression, type of score … manifestation: title of the manifestation, publisher, date of publication, form of carrier, dimensions, terms of availability… item: identifier (e.g. location and call no., barcode), provenance, condition, inscriptions …

28 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Entities in Groups 2 and 3  Group 2 entities: those responsible for creating, producing, etc., the entities in group 1 person corporate body  Group 3 entities: subjects of works concept object event place + + all group 1 and 2 entities can also be subjects

29 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Relationships  links between entities (and the nature of the links)  collocation  assist the user to navigate through the catalogue or database relationships between entities of the same group (esp. between group 1 entities) relationships between entities of the different groups

30 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Example of a “family” or hierarchy of Group 1 entities: work expression manifestation item Hamlet # original text London, 1603 RBD New York, 1998 MCL BIRK # French trans. # (Gide) Paris, 1946 EDUC Neuchatel, 1949 MCL # (Bonnefoy) Paris, 1978 MACD # German trans. Hamburg, 1834 MUSIC # audio-book Paris, 1983 REDP

31 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Example of work to work relationships Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Hamlet. subject Modern Hamlets & their soliloquies Critical responses to Hamlet, 1600-1900 imitation Hamlet travestie transformation Hamlet : opéra en cinq actes musique de Ambroise Thomas; paroles de Michel Carré et Jules Barbier adaptation Hamlet : the young reader's Shakespeare : a retelling / by Adam McKeown

32 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 User-friendly OPAC display ti = Robinson Crusoe results should clearly show: the work vs related works indicate nature of relationship between the different expressions of the work original text, French translation, audio-book cluster manifestations that are the same expression sort by different physical carriers

33 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Impact of FRBR  improve navigation focus on collocation reintroduce logical indexing vs. purely mechanical filing  appropriate level of specificity needed by user: ability to stay at general level to complete user tasks, or to bore down to specific expressions, manifestations, including down to the appropriate physical carrier

34 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Impact of FRBR  identification of group 1 entities and their attributes expression-level: form e.g. musical notation photographic image language manifestation-level: form of carrier e.g. filmstrip extent of carrier  model puts some longstanding problems in perspective e.g. content vs. carrier (or format variation) different but how different : where is carrier in the hierarchy?

35 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 FRBR and Logical Structure: 2 entity-relationship analytical models bib record (FRBR) work expression manifestation item document (Log.St.) content infixion physical carrier container

36 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Logical Structure vs FRBR  Logical Structure: analysis of the rules that produce the description part of the bibliographic record  FRBR: analysis of the whole bibliographic record in the context of the database  Both models: pull out constituent entities, examine what has been taken as unreflected assumptions

37 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Logical Structure vs FRBR  Logical Structure identifies the problem  FRBR gives us the tools to work on the problem allows us to frame the question in a sound theoretical framework

38 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Some sources of pressure on GMD Logical Structure new 0.24 of AACR GMD FRBR

39 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Post 1997 International Conference  some of the key areas of work by JSC basic principles content vs. carrier issue logical structure of AACR seriality internationalization incorporating FRBR terminology and concepts  JSC develops new strategic plan, which will culminate in AACR3 (2007)

40 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Relevant areas of change in AACR3 reduce redundancy and revise for consistency across all chapters in Part I rewrite introduction to include a statement of the principles of AACR, a description of the functions of the catalogue, and conceptual information to assist cataloguers in understanding the methods of procedure incorporate FRBR concepts and terminology into AACR incorporate concept of authority control

41 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Relevant areas of change in AACR3 incorporate expression-level collocation resolve problems associated with class of materials concept (content versus carrier issues, GMDs) some revision tasks affect almost every chapter e.g. incorporating FRBR terminology requires incorporating the concepts changes throughout AACR

42 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 AACR3: Resource Description and Access  Introduction - General principles  Part I - Description  Part II - Choice of access points  Part III – Form of access points (this slide & following ones based on information from Barbara Tillett’s document: AACR3: Resource Description and Access, 2004)

43 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 AACR3 – Part I (Proposal)  Introduction  General rules by ISBD area with references forward to supplemental rules for specific content types  Chapters for content only supplemental rules, no references back to General chapter  Chapters for medium/technical description primarily area 5 with relevant physical description notes from area 7  Chapter(s) on mode of issuance successively issued over time

44 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 AACR3 – Part I (Proposal) Introduction  Introduction to Part I scope structure of the description organization of the rules focus for description application of general and supplementary rules resources in an unpublished form resources released successively or updated periodically options and omissions

45 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 AACR3 – Part I (Proposal) General rules  General rules for description Preliminary rules Rules for each of the 8 ISBD areas:  Title and statement of responsibility  Edition  Material specific details  Publication, distribution, etc.  Technical description  Series  Notes  Standard numbers Supplementary resources Reproductions Analytics and multilevel descriptions

46 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 AACR3 - Part I (Proposal) Content Chapters  Text  Music  Cartographic content  Graphic content  Three-dimensional content  Recorded sound  Moving image content  Data, software, & interactive content

47 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 AACR3 - Part I (Proposal) Medium/Technical Description  Print media  Micrographic media  Graphic media  Tactile media  Three-dimensional media  Recorded sound media  Moving image media  Digital media

48 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 AACR3 - Part I (Proposal) Modes of Issuance  Successively issued or updated periodically Build on information in Introduction Base on “symptoms” More discussions with the Editor

49 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 AACR3 – Part II (Proposal)  Choice of primary and secondary access points Choosing headings for the description Resolve issues of authorship and problems with the “Rule of 3”

50 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 AACR3–Part III (Proposal)  Form of access points Current chapters 22-25 to incorporate authority control principles and rules on related references  remove chapter 26 on references Chapter 25 (Uniform titles)  headings for works and expressions  Functions of work/expression citations, i.e., for identification, collocation, differentiation

51 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Tentative,working proposal for Part 1  separation into content chapters and medium/technical description chapters  application of knowledge derived from the 2 analytical models  building on this proposal, the Task Force on the Consistency of Part 1, working with Tom Delsey, has created a variant prototype while examining area 5 rules in AACR3

52 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Task Force/Delsey prototype Section A. General Rules for Description Section B. Supplementary Rules for Specific Types of Content Section C. Supplementary Rules for Specific Forms of Carrier Section D. Supplementary Rules for Specific Types of Media Section E. Supplementary Rules for Resources Released Successively or Updated Periodically

53 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Section C. Supplementary Rules for Specific Forms of Carrier C1. Books, Atlases, Albums, etc. C2. Unbound Sheets, Broadsides, Posters, Wall Charts, etc. C3. Photoprints, Postcards, Flash Cards, etc. C4. Models, Globes, Sculptures, etc. C5. Slides, Transparencies, Fiches, etc. C6. Filmstrips, Filmslips, Roll Film, etc. C7. Discs/Disks, Cylinders, etc. C8. Reels, Cartridges, Cassettes, etc. C9. Computer Chips, Optical Cards, etc. C10. Remote Access Resources

54 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Section D. Supplementary Rules for Specific Types of Media D1. Print and Opaque Graphic Media D2. Micrographic Media D3. Tactile Media D4. Three-dimensional Media D5. Recorded Sound Media D6. Projected Graphic and Cinemagraphic Media D7. Digital Media

55 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Summary of recent activity:  new analytical models  analysis of “document” into 4 constituent parts: content / infixion / carrier / container  AACR’s class of materials = mixture of apples, oranges and bananas  new AACR2 rule 0.24  FRBR’s Group 1 entities (wemi)  initiatives to reorganize Part 1 of AACR

56 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Impetus to re-evaluate GMDs  conceptual separation of content, media and physical carriers in the rules  description of all aspects of a bibliographic resource  work/expression/manifestation/item hierarchy and the importance of conveying information about relationships between entities  improved collocation  focus on user success rate with tasks: search, identify, select, obtain  GMD/SMD relationship

57 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Use of GMDs (in OPACs)  identification “early warning”  differentiation to select, obtain appropriate resource  controlled vocabulary search term if indexed, can be used to refine search functions of GMD are still relevant FRBR user tasks: search, identify select, obtain

58 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 3 questions facing the AACR community: 1) is there another way to communicate the information to the user? 2) if one retains the GMD, could it be placed elsewhere? 3) can we improve the list of terms used as GMDs?

59 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 1) is there another way to communicate the information?  term or device? icon see OCLC’s WorldCat public display label or term generated through a table from terms in the bibliographic record for content, expression and/or manifestation.

60 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 1) is there another way to communicate the information?  icon or label generated from terms in record 2 lists of terms used in the record, one for mode of expression and one for form of content, or 3 lists with medium/carrier terms a display term or icon showing to the user, generated from a table or matrix using terms from the lists e.g. content: cartographic material expression: still image digital map carrier: digital media

61 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 2) if one retains the GMD, could it be placed elsewhere?  current placement in the middle of the title and statement of responsibility area “intrudes into the middle of the transcription of the title and statement of responsibility area” B. Tillett. 4JSC/Chair/73 Even more intrusive when language of the title differs from the language of the catalogue.  area 3 for all types of resources  area 0, preceding the bibliographic description

62 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 3) can we improve the list of terms used as GMDs?  single terms same level of generality mutually exclusive  compound terms GMD (qualifier) compound term GMD1 + GMD2

63 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Surveys about GMDs Before the revision of 0.24 (2001 amendments) : Jean Weihs’ survey: General material designations in the twenty-first century (2000/01) GMD with qualifier: most favoured table of precedence for choice of GMD compound term some users wanted very specific GMDs (actually wanted SMD-type terms in GMD position)

64 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Surveys about GMDs Post revision of 0.24, FRBR: Cataloguing Code Comparison for the IFLA Meeting of Experts on an International Cataloguing Code (July 2003). Surveyed use of GMDs and terms used (European) if used, GMDs used for non-book some suggest using other areas (area 0 or 3) lists tend to be more similar to List 1 than 2 criticism of GMD terms that confuse content, expression and physical manifestation

65 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 GMD = form of expression growing momentum to align the list of GMDs to terms for the form or mode of expression IFLA 1 st and 2 nd Meetings of Experts on an International Cataloguing Code GMD ● use at the expression level ● designations pertaining to the form or mode of expression

66 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 GMD/SMD  GMDs should reflect: content not carrier  physical medium and carrier information should shift to the SMDs and/or notes  clear delineation between GMDs and SMDs  reference to a theoretical framework if use FRBR entity “expression” to define scope of GMD, then clear delineation should naturally follow

67 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 Summary of questions  is the GMD the best way to communicate information?  could the GMD or GMD-type information be placed elsewhere in the bib. record?  can we improve the list of terms? in context of AACR goal: continuity + constantly evolving

68 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 References and Links AACR3 : Resource Description and Access FRBR: FRBR Working Group: Bibliography at FRBR WG site:

69 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 References and Links Cataloguing Code Comparison for the IFLA Meeting of Experts on an International Cataloguing Code, July 2003. md.pdf International Cataloguing Principles (draft) Library of Congress display tool: Logical Structure of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules:

70 Chris Oliver, McGill University OLAC 2004 References and Links Tillett, Barbara. General Material Designations : [discussion paper for the Joint Steering Committee for the Revision of AACR]. 4JSC/Chair/73, May 8, 2001. Weihs, Jean. A somewhat personal history of nonbook cataloguing. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 31:3/4, 2001, p. 159-188. Weihs, Jean. General Material Designations in the twenty-first century : results of a survey.

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