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“Peace remains at the mercy of an accident.”

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1 “Peace remains at the mercy of an accident.”
German diplomat made this statement in It refers to political tensions in Europe at the time. Name wars the US has fought prior to 1914. Why or why were these not world wars?

2 What does the yellow represent? Pink? Blue?
Norway Sweden Great Britain Russia Germany Austria-Hungary France Italy Spain Ottoman Empire Allied Axis Neutral What does the yellow represent? Pink? Blue? Find the following countries: Great Britain, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire

3 DEBATE In your notebooks or on binder paper… Create a bulleted list to show support for each of the following positions: The US has a global responsibility to come to the aid of warring nations. The United States should remain neutral. POLL - Which side do you favor?

4 Observe the following newspaper headlines and pictures.
What would your reaction be upon seeing them? Do you think the people in 1914 felt the same way?


6 Woodrow Wilson Steers Toward Justice
1914 Political Cartoon On the Eve of WWI: While Avoiding both War & Intervention The Dallas Morning News March, 1914                                            


8 THE AMERICAN NATION went to war in April, 1917
THE AMERICAN NATION went to war in April, Five months later Kansas City became the first community to feel the real meaning of that act when Lt. Will Fitzsimons was killed - America's first war zone fatality.

9 German Soldier Writes California Mother on Death of her Son
The Nashville Tennesseean May 2, 1919                                              

10 Respond to the “Editor’s Page” of these papers…

11 Some Americans felt personally involved, why?
NOTES: Some Americans felt personally involved, why? More than 1/3 of the nations 92 million people were first or second generation immigrants who still felt ties to their old countries. About ¼ of these were Germans, but most Americans favored the Allies

12 In the end, America declares neutrality. Why would we do this?
Nations business interest – trade and investments with both sides

13 TWO MOVEMENTS EMERGED Preparedness Movement
As much as business leaders wanted to remain neutral, they also felt like the US should still prepare for war “just in case” President Wilson agreed, he set up patriotic education and national sentiment training camps Peace Movement Consisted of former populists, some progressives, social reformers, and women Women did a lot of marches and campaigning for peace

14 PROPOGANDA                                                                                                                                                                                                        

15 Covering the War Read the article:
"The Stars and Stripes Flying in the Ancient Coliseum at Rome on the Occasion of Italy's Rejoicing Over the Entry of the United States into the War."  New York Times, August 12, 1917 "In the Trial of the Reapers."  New York Times, December 10, 1916

16 “Peace remains at the mercy of an accident.”
Based on your WWI knowledge, what other accidents could this be referring to?

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