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Customer Service: A Practical Approach, 5th ed. By Elaine K. Harris

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1 Customer Service: A Practical Approach, 5th ed. By Elaine K. Harris
Chapter 10: Customer Retention and Measurement of Satisfaction

2 Customer Retention: The continuous attempt to satisfy and keep current customers actively involved in conducting business.

3 Churn (or churn rate): The number of customers who leave a business in a year’s time divided by the number of new customers in the same period.

4 Defection Rate: The percentage of customers who leave a business in one year.

5 Customer Lifetime Value:
The net present value of the profits a customer generates over the average customer life.

6 Determining the need for customer retention program
Is customer retention your primary management objective? Is customer satisfaction measured and assessed regularly? Is there a constant effort to enhance customer satisfaction? Do you measure quality standards and communicate results with your employees? Do you train and retrain your customer service providers? Do you have employee turnover problems? How much do you spend to keep current customers? What is your current cost for acquiring a customer? What is your average annual customer dollar value. What is your current customer defection rate? How do you get lost customers back? Do you constantly deliver what you promise to your customers?

7 Guidelines for establishing a customer retention program:
Examine who your customers are and what specific needs they have. Identify specific objectives to be realized by the program. Create a manageable program of customer retention. Create a culture that stimulates customer interest. Determine a timetable for evaluation.

8 Sources of Information to Measure Customer Satisfaction
Informal surveys Comment cards Verbal comments Historical data (point of sale) Sales Corporate generated surveys Discussions with internal customers Focus groups Toll-free phone numbers Customer intelligence information

9 What measurement of satisfaction means to your business:
Customer relationships are deepened Customers know that we are interested in them and their wants Improved product and service offerings Customer retention

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