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CSC 4630 Meeting 13 February 28, 2007. Software Development Preparing for team project Use agile development process.

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Presentation on theme: "CSC 4630 Meeting 13 February 28, 2007. Software Development Preparing for team project Use agile development process."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSC 4630 Meeting 13 February 28, 2007

2 Software Development Preparing for team project Use agile development process

3 Agile Development Process The players are Product owner: sets priorities, owns in the sense of is responsible for Scrum master: manages development process, removes blocks to success Team members: develop product Stakeholders: observe, advise. Includes the customer

4 Agile Process (2) The process Based on cycles, called sprints, usually 30 calendar days long Starts with the backlog –Maintained by the product owner –Lists all that needs to be done to complete the project, divided into short deadline actions Sprint plan designates how much time will be spent on which items in the backlog during the next 30 days.

5 Agile Process (3) Daily scrum –Short (10-15 minutes), stand-up meeting of team –Each person reports Accomplished yesterday Plans to accomplish today Blocks from yesterday

6 Agile Process (4) Sprint review –Monthly meeting of Team members Stakeholders Product owner –Led by scrum master –Report on project status

7 Agile Process (5) Release –Usually every three months –Newest version of software –Evolved from previous release based on stakeholder feedback Key observation –Monthly sprints allow software requirements to evolve as stakeholders see the results of the development process.

8 Our Agile Process 3 member teams 7 day sprints 14 day releases 15 WAGs per sprint—a WAG is measured in person hours

9 Our Agile Process (2) Sprint planning / sprint review for our 6 sprints –March 12 –March 19 –March 26 –April 2 –April 16 –April 23

10 Our Agile Process (3) Releases on –March 26 –April 16 –May 2

11 Our Agile Process (4) Sprint plans due 5 p.m. on each planning day List activity / team member / WAG –For example: Code and test interpolation function / John / 3 Generate use cases / Mary / 2 … WAG total must be 15, relatively evenly divided across team

12 Our Agile Process (6) Sprint reviews –Short team presentation –2 or 3 slides –Encourage stakeholder interaction Releases –Working code –Installable and testable against release cases and their equivalents

13 Our Agile Process (7) Product owner: chosen by team Scrum master: same as product owner since our teams are small Team members: see next slide Stakeholders: instructor, as customer, and others he may designate

14 Our Development Teams Team Aspen: Alex, Jason, Rob Team Bailey: Justin, Jenny, Sean Team Cedar: Dublas, Nick, Mike

15 The Problem Initial statement: Given a positive integer n, find the maximum radius r for n equally sized spheres that are contained in the unit sphere.

16 Problem Observations If n = 1, then r = 1 and the “small” sphere is the same as the “big” sphere. If n = 2, then r = ½. The centers of the small spheres are at (1/2, 0, 0) and (-1/2, 0, 0) If n = 3, then the centers of the small spheres lie at the vertices of an equilateral triangle.

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