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1 / x Verification CMMI Verification Hendrik van den Berge Kevin Mets.

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1 1 / x Verification CMMI Verification Hendrik van den Berge Kevin Mets

2 2 / x Delete this slide in final version Guidelines (remove in final version) Use English language Copy only the titles of the practices not the description from the CMMI – use subpractices as guidance but do not discuss separately Map CMMI terminology to project terminology (add to glossary) Add explanatory slides as required Add references to direct/indirect artifacts for each practice Include descriptions/screen shots of artifacts Make a first draft based on documentation of projects and results of dream questions and add markers where information is missing Use this draft in interview sessions to ask questions to the group or discuss Update final version with interview feedback Ensure this presentation enables students to understand the practices of this process area in the context of real projects Do not forget the slide with Strengths and Opportunities for Improvement Check spelling

3 3 / x Verification Verification Purpose  Ensuring that the software meets the requirements n Are we building it right? n Tests, demonstrations, peer reviews...

4 4 / x Verification Verification Specific Goals  SG 1 Prepare for verification n SP1.1 Select work products for verification All projects perform testing on their product. n SP1.2 Establish the verification environment All projects have done this Simulation environments, status pages Off-the-shelf packages for performance/stress testing, unit testing, integration testing...

5 5 / x Verification n SP1.3 Establish verification procedures and criteria All projects have verification procedures (usage of testing packages) Some projects set criteria, e.g “achieve 85% code coverage” Other projects could set similar goals

6 6 / x Verification Specific Goals  SG 2 Perform peer reviews n SP2.1 Prepare for peer reviews All projects do this Meetings with “higher management”, product demos n SP2.2 Conduct peer reviews All projects to this (see above) Verification

7 7 / x Verification  SP2.3 Analyze peer review data  Projects make decisions based on feedback gathered from meetings Verification

8 8 / x Verification Specific Goals  SG 3 Verify selected work products n SP3.1 Perform verification All projects perform testing and demonstrations. n SP3.2 Analyze verification results Some projects have evidence of test analysis Probably all projects do this internally Verification

9 9 / x Verification Verification Generic Practices GG 2  GP2.1 Establish an Organizational Policy n Some groups have explicit guidelines. n Example from “TultiMouch Multitouch Platform”: “Processes”: … Process and Product Quality Assurance Dit gaat over alle acties die gebeuren/voorzien zijn voor het garanderen van de qualiteit van de gebruikte processen en van het geleverde product. Voor agile/extreme programming voldoen wij hier aan door gewoon: - Tests te voorzien voor onze quality requirements, functional requirements. - Per iteratie onze manier van werken te evalueren. Het is de taak van de quality manager om ervoor te zorgen dat dit niet vergeten wordt. …

10 10 / x Verification Generic Practices GG 2(2)  GP2.2 Plan the Process n Groups provide test plans n Time is reserved to do the testing n Demonstrations  Examples from “WAFL” and “Mashedup”: Verification

11 11 / x Verification Verification Generic Practices GG 2 (3)  GP2.3 Provide Resources n All groups provide several resources n Infrastructure Testing frameworks (e.g. JUnit) Demo applications (e.g. demo from Hadra)Hadra Version control (e.g. Subversion) Software Project Management System (e.g. Trac) n Documentation Requirements (use cases, quality attributes, …) Test plans Tutorials State of the art (e.g. “State of the art: Mobile Testing” from “WAFL”) n Time

12 12 / x Verification Generic Practices GG 2 (4)  GP2.4 Assign Responsibility n Manager(s) to overview the verification process (and other processes) E.g. Quality manager, Test manager, Process manager n Individual responsibilities E.g. from “TultiMouch Multitouch Platform”: “Development Guidelines”: Develop unit test together with the unit  no commit in trunk if unit test fails  GP2.5 Train People n Documentation and help is provided to aid in the verification process.  GP2.6 Manage Configurations n Overview of test results. n Version control for the documents, results, … n Information available at central place (website). Verification

13 13 / x Verification Verification Generic Practices GG 2 (5)  GP2.7 Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders n Interaction with internal stakeholders (team members, supervisors,…) n No indication of interaction with external stakeholders (users, …) (?)  GP2.8 Monitor and Control the Process n Meetings and demonstrations are used for evaluating and controlling the process.  GP2.9 Objectively Evaluate Adherence n No specific information about adherence. (?) n Probably part of the meetings. (?)  GP2.10 Review Status with Higher Level Management n Meetings with course supervisors. n Internal group meetings with different managers present.

14 14 / x Verification Verification Generic Practices GG 3  GP3.1 Establish a Defined Process n The verification process is documented. E.g. results, planning, … n But no general verification processes are defined. (?) n But this could be the result of the project.  GP3.2 Collect Improvement Information n Experience (e.g. software project, appraisals) n Sharing information (e.g. presentations, meetings)

15 15 / x Verification Verification Process Assets  Guidelines (remove in final version) Make the presentation understandable for people not familiar with the project(s) Link to artifact references in discussion of Practices

16 16 / x Verification Verification Findings  Strengths n Testing is a big part of every project. The importance of verification is known.  Opportunities for Improvement n Verification documentation could be more detailed and more integrated with other documentation. n Organizational policies are not very clear.  Proposed Actions n...

17 17 / x Verification Verification Glossary  CMMICapability Maturity Model Integration  …

18 18 / x Verification Verification References  CMMI for Development version 1.2  …

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