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Slide 1 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 Recent results towards verification.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 Recent results towards verification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 Recent results towards verification of measurement uncertainty for CLARREO IR measurements John Dykema CLARREO SDT, 2012 Hampton, VA

2 Slide 2 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 Viewing configuration providing immunity to polarization effects. (used in combination with space view for instrument calibration) (used for blackbody reflectivity and Spectral Response Module) (Includes Multiple Phase Change Cells for absolute temperature calibration and Heated Halo for spectral reflectance measurement ) Heated Halo (Measures instrument line shape) QCL Laser On-orbit Test/Validation (OT/V) Modules Wisconsin & Harvard Technology Developments Under NASA IIP

3 Slide 3 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 DARI Testbed (1)

4 Slide 4 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 QCL Housing: Optics, Thermal Management, Electronics New kinematic lens mount

5 Slide 5 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 Quantum Cascade Laser Housing – Exploded View Purge valve House- keeping sensor unit (T,p,RH) Relief valve (for use during purge) Emission window (AR coated ZnSe) QCL device mounting clamp Collimating optic/mount Thermal cold plate TEC and electrical connection Mounting structure

6 Slide 6 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 QCL Electronics and Built-In Housekeeping

7 Slide 7 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 Collimation of 60°-40° output QCL device Asphere QCL Collimated Beam

8 Slide 8 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 QCL Electronics Chassis

9 Slide 9 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 Vacuum and Thermal Management

10 Slide 10 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 OSRM: TRL 5 QCL w/ integrated housekeeping Flip mirror Electronics bus QCL thermal management Blackbodies for thermal testing Chilled ethanol Laser power meter

11 Slide 11 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 Vacuum Test Results

12 Slide 12 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 Vacuum Test Results (2) ParameterRun 1Run 2Run 3Run 4Average QCL Drive Current Noise 70  A57  A54  A65  A60  A QCL Temperature Stability 0.024 °C 0.021 °C 0.014 °C 0.019 °C 0.020 °C TEC Current Noise21 mA14 mA5 mA10 mA13 mA Power Stability0.45%0.42%0.33%0.41%0.4% Results of vacuum test runs ParameterValue TEC Current, QCL maintained at 1 atm0.95 A TEC Current, QCL maintained under vacuum1.01 A Thermal requirements for different QCL packaging options

13 Slide 13 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 DARI Testbed (2)

14 Slide 14 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 OSRM: TRL 6 System level test with CO2 laser, integrating sphere: an absolute IR lineshape standard

15 Slide 15 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 OSRM : CO 2 to QCL ILS Comparison (1) QCL, when T and I specifications are met, matches CO 2 laser lineshape MCT Detector

16 Slide 16 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 OSRM : CO 2 to QCL ILS Comparison (2) Pyroelectric Detector

17 Slide 17 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 DARI Testbed ILS

18 Slide 18 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 OCEM-QCL TRL 6 Surface Treatment Nominal 10  m reflectivity Aeroglaze Z3065% Alion MH330010% AZ Tech RM550IB3% Inferring emissivity from laser reflection

19 Slide 19 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 Calibrated, Illuminated Blackbodies MCT Detector Pyroelectric Detector

20 Slide 20 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 Calculation of Power on Detector Pyroelectric detector MCT detector Aperture at detector1.8 mm2.0 mm Field stop Ø38 mm20 mm Throughput0.0089 cm 2 -sr0.0038 cm 2 -sr Power at detector, Z306 (6.6±0.7)×10 -7 W(1.2±0.1)×10 -7 W Power at detector, MH2200 (2.4±0.2)×10 -6 W(3.6±0.4)×10 -8 W

21 Slide 21 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012    div angle Optical Modeling for OCEM-QCL Reflected Laser Light to FTS and Detector

22 Slide 22 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 Compute Cavity Emissivity Pyroelectric detector estimate MCT detector estimate  MH2200 = 0.9959 ±0.00004  MH2200 = 0.9951 ±0.00005  Z306 = 0.9989 ±0.00001  Z306 = 0.9988 ±0.00001 C f =39 (Knuteson et al. J.TECH 2004)

23 Slide 23 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 QCL Subsystem: Pathway to TRL 7

24 Slide 24 UW & Harvard NASA IIP Activities in Support of CLARREO Year-2.5 Review, January 31, 2011 TEC Controller Power Conditioning Switching Regulator Controller + - Filter SetpointTemperature Offset β Output Power In + - Current Sensing FB

25 Slide 25 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 TEC Controller Single Supply Operation High Efficiency No Heat Sink Necessary Buffered Temperature Readout Remote/Local Setpoint

26 Slide 26 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 V/I Board To LASER Modified Howland Current Source LASER Protection + - Input Waveform Voltage Monitoring Current Monitoring Temperature Monitoring V I T Power Monitoring + V IN - I OUT

27 Slide 27 Progress towards Achieving On-Orbit SI Traceability for the CLARREO IR Payload Hampton, VA, April 10, 2012 V/I Board Single Supply Operation No Heat Sink Required –(depending on LASER current) Multiple Monitoring Options: –LASER Voltage, Current (Power) –LASER Temperature ESD Protection

28 In Situ Temperature

29 Temporal Drift in Measurement = Satellite overpass

30 Spatial Drift in Measurement

31 First Assessment of Uncertainty Practices From Immler et al., AMT 2010

32 Atmospheric Satellite Measurement Satellites make wavelength- dependent measurements of radiance R : retrieve x (temperature, humidity, clouds, trace gases, surface properies)

33 Infrared Profiling Process

34 Site Atmospheric State Best Estimate Radiosondes drift in time and space Radiosondes ascent time much greater than satellite measurement length Solution: use ancillary measurements to interpolate in space and time One approach: Tobin et al., “Atmospheric Radiation Measurement site atmospheric state best estimates for Atmospheric Infrared Sounder temperature and water vapor retrieval validation,” JGR 2006 See also Calbet et al., AMT, 2011

35 Tobin 2006 Approach to SASBE Two sondes were launched within 2 hours of overpass time Interpolate sonde profiles in time with IR-based atmospheric profiling Interpolate sonde profiles in space with geostationary measurements Perform weighted average of interpolated profiles to get best estimate of atmospheric column

36 Practical Blackbody: Finite Aperture Temperature Gradients Blackbody Calibration and Uncertainty

37 Uncertainty Assessment for Vector Quantities Uncertainty Assessment: In Situ Temperature Profile T SASBE Uncertainty Assessment: Infrared Temperature Profile x

38 Acknowledgements Thanks to NASA for: –IIP funding (ESTO) –IPT funding (LaRC) –SDT funding

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