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1. 2 What happens between Christ’s coming and the beginning of his reign? Destroy the armies of the Antichrist Antichrist & False Prophet cast into Lake.

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1 1

2 2 What happens between Christ’s coming and the beginning of his reign? Destroy the armies of the Antichrist Antichrist & False Prophet cast into Lake of Fire Satan is bound and cast into the bottomless pit Delivers the Jews from their persecutors Judgment of the nations (sheep / goats) Set up his [Christ’s] Millennial kingdom Resurrection of Old Testament & Tribulation Saints The Millennium

3 Daniel 12 mentioned 3 periods of time 1260 Days 1290 Days 1335 Days Verse 7 Verse 11 Verse 13 All 3 begin periods begin the moment the Antichrist places his statue in the temple and stops Jewish sacrifices (vs. 11) 45 30 75 Days Sheep and Goats Judgment Christ sets up His kingdom The Second Coming

4 4 Review The Millennium Length of Christ’s reign is 1,000 years Christ will reign from Jerusalem, but delegate his authority to others. We learned who will reign with Christ Church-Age Christians Old Testament Saints Martyred Tribulation Saints

5 5 Language Barriers? The Millennium 6,809 known languages (Wycliffe) What language did Adam and Eve use when communicating with God? Genesis 11:1 (NIV) Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. Genesis 11 tells about the confusion of languages which followed the building of the Tower of Babel.

6 0 ADAM (930) 930 130 SETH (912) 1042 ENOSH (905) 2351140 KENAN (910) 3251235 MAHALALEEL (895) 3951290 JARED (962) 4601422 ENOCH (365) 622 987 METHUSELAH (969) 6871656 LAMECH (777) 8741651 1 st & 9 th generations overlap for 56 years NOAH (950) 10562006 600 Years 1656 The Flood Numbers are the years from Adam’s creation Genesis 5 Genealogy

7 NOAH (950) 1056 2006 1656 HAM 1558 ? CUSH ? ? NIMROD ? ? ABRAHAM 2009 2184 3 yrs The Flood One language for 1800 years since creation of Adam (estimate) Noah to Nimrod Chronology

8 8 Two Groups The Millennium Glorified Saints Natural Humans Raptured and resurrected believers No longer bothered by illness, sin or death Bodies will be incorruptible Survived Tribulation without dying They will normal lives, similar to us today There will be some big bonuses

9 9 Perfect Place? The Millennium The Natural people will have passions & lusts which come from a sinful nature. The binding of Satan indicates that people will have natures to which he could appeal. Why would Christ will rule with a “rod of iron” if all people fully obeyed God? Satan will have sympathizers after his release. Sin will not be a problem for glorified saints.

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