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By Ethan Preu.  Invented by Gordon Gould  MASERS invented by Charles Towns and Arthur Schawlow  Theodore Maiman.

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Presentation on theme: "By Ethan Preu.  Invented by Gordon Gould  MASERS invented by Charles Towns and Arthur Schawlow  Theodore Maiman."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Ethan Preu


3  Invented by Gordon Gould  MASERS invented by Charles Towns and Arthur Schawlow  Theodore Maiman

4 L ight A mplification S imulated E mission R adiation



7  Class 1  Class 1A  Class 2  Class 3A  Class 3B  Class 4


9  Basic interest in the technology  Most likely spurred from laser pointers

10  Build a simple 200mw laser  Write paper about lasers  Conduct experiments with certain variables  Put together a display with test objects  Create a box/stand to safely display the laser for the showcase

11  A 400mw laser that does not run  Laser paper

12  All parts were ordered  Soldering  Went through 6 DVD drives/burners  Ordered final part (that did not work)  Tried another design  Got more parts  More soldering  Laser did not work  Ordered actual last part


14 5mw 400mw 5mw 400mw

15 5mw400mw  Battery pack  4 AA batteries  LM317 regulator  10 Ohm resistor  5 mw laser diode  Aixiz housing  Battery pack  4 AA batteries  Lm317 regulator  2x 10 Ohm resistors  2x 1N4001  400 mw laser diode  Aixiz housing  Heat sink  10uF 16v capacitor  100 Ohm potentiometer  Wire  Strip board

16 MaterialWithout Refraction With Refraction Distance

17  Randy Zyduck of Applied Laser Technologies  Safety  Planning  Materials

18  What lasers are  How they work  Applications Lasers Ethan Preu April 15, 2015 Mrs. Fuller

19  Joeismydad. (2012). How to make a powerful burning laser for CHEAP! Retrieved from to-make-a-burning-laser-for-CHEAP/?ALLSTEPS to-make-a-burning-laser-for-CHEAP/?ALLSTEPS  Applied Laser Technologies. (2013). ALT | Applied Laser Technologies | Manufacturing Solutions. Retrieved from  Styropryo. (2009, September 14). How to Focus your laser to make it burn ? Science Experiments. Retrieved from  Styropryo. (2010, June 3). Green Lasers: What Can Certain mW Do? Retrieved from  DisrupTer911. (2011, August 16). silly question: at what distance will a laser not burn objects? Retrieved from objects  Randy Zyduck from Applied Laser  6. Brendon4711. (2012, April 19). How well will a 500mW 405nm burn compared to a 1W 445nm? - Laser Pointer Forums - Discuss Laser Pointers. Retrieved from? 445nm-74557.html?  ICEN. (2009, September 12). Laser + Magnifying lens - Laser Pointer Forums - Discuss Laser Pointers. Retrieved from  SME - What are lasers? (2007, January 7). Retrieved from?  Weschler, M. (n.d.). How Lasers Work - HowStuffWorks. Retrieved from?  Woodford, C. (2014, May 18). Lasers. Retrieved from  ESAB. (2013, June 29). How Does Laser Cutting Work?. Retrieved from does-laser-cutting-work.cfm does-laser-cutting-work.cfm  ROFIN. (n.d.). Laser Welding. Retrieved from  Science Clarified. (n.d.). Military Applications of Lasers - A Lopsided Energy Ratio, Scoring Hits at the Speed of Light. Retrieved from  Medline Plus. (n.d.). Laser surgery - skin: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Retrieved from  TingaWinga5. (2012, April 26). How To Build A Burning Red Laser Driver Circuit [Video file]. Retrieved from  Http:// (2015, August). RadioShack. Retrieved from


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