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Genesis 1-11.  Genesis 1  Creation is the work of one God (1:1)  This one God created everything that exists (1:1)  The Creator is not the creation.

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Presentation on theme: "Genesis 1-11.  Genesis 1  Creation is the work of one God (1:1)  This one God created everything that exists (1:1)  The Creator is not the creation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genesis 1-11



4  Genesis 1  Creation is the work of one God (1:1)  This one God created everything that exists (1:1)  The Creator is not the creation (1:1)  God created by his word (1:3 etc)  God created in a purposeful and orderly process.  Human beings are the pinnacle of this creation (1:31, 26-28)  God’s work culminates in rest (2:1-3)


6  Genesis 2  God is kind to humanity.  God rules humanity by his word.  Humans work under God to look after the Garden.  Marriage is created by God to between one man and one woman.  Men and women are equal but different.  A prototype of the Kingdom of God:

7 The Kingdom of God: God’s People In God’s Place Under God’s Blessing & Rule

8 Lateral thinking: Test 1 Question If you are in a dark room with a candle, a wood stove, and a gas lamp, you only have one match, which would you light first?

9 Genesis 3  The Serpent tampers with God’s word (3:1)  The woman adds to God’s word (3:2)  The Serpent casts doubt on God’s goodness (3: 4-5)  The woman and man disobey God:  They usurp God’s place as the one who decides what is good and what is evil.  They reverse the creation order.  The results …..

10 Genesis 3  The results …..  Humans & God  Avoidance  Exclusion from the Garden and the Tree of Life  Humans & environment  struggle  Humans & each other  Shame, blame  Order restored but struggle at the heart of relationship  The ray of hope:  Coverings.  The hint of a serpent-crusher  (cf Gal 4:4-6, Heb 2:14-15, Rev 12:9 and Luke 22:3, Rom 16:30)

11  Death  Nakedness  Curse  Sorrow  Thorns  Sweat Note how all of these were experienced by Christ in his passion.


13 Genesis 4-9  Cain & his offspring  Genealogies  Cain to Lamech (7 th ) – spread of sin (and technology !). Compare Lamech vs Cain.  Adam to Noah – ‘good line’ – still death (exception 7 th – Enoch)  Significance:  Blessing  Genesis 1:28, 9:1  Curse  ‘Then he died’

14 Genesis 6-9  Noah & the flood  Reversal of creation  God’s commitment to creation in salvation  ‘Recreation’  The shame of Noah  What do we learn?  We cannot save ourselves  Judgement and salvation go together  9:28

15 Genesis 11  Babel  A human counterfeit of the Kingdom of God  Leaving God out, human arrogance  Unity is not intrinsically good.  Where is salvation?  God is still gathering his people.

16 A Pattern in Genesis 1 – 11 sinjudgementgrace Gen 3 Adam & Eve The Fall (human rebellion against God) Gen 4 Cain Homelessness, fear of being murdered Gen 6-9 Noah One man & his family in the ark with pairs of all the animals Gen 11 Babel Confusion of languages

17  God is judge – concerned with sin both individual and corporate  Judgment not arbitrary  God is gracious  One God is both God of justice and mercy – not two

18 Read Revelation 21:22-22:5 and answer the following questions:  What are the similarities between the city portrayed here and the Garden of Eden?  Who are excluded and who are included in this Paradise?  What is the most important feature of life in this city?


20 The Old Testament 1. The pattern of the kingdom 2. The perished kingdom 3. The promised kingdom 4. The partial kingdom 5. The prophesied kingdom The New Testament 6. The present kingdom 7. The proclaimed kingdom 8. The perfected kingdom


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