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CCS SysTheo Anthropology Review. Some points of interest Anthropology from the Greek Word, anqrwpojs ( anthropos) Anthropology from the Greek Word, anqrwpojs.

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Presentation on theme: "CCS SysTheo Anthropology Review. Some points of interest Anthropology from the Greek Word, anqrwpojs ( anthropos) Anthropology from the Greek Word, anqrwpojs."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCS SysTheo Anthropology Review

2 Some points of interest Anthropology from the Greek Word, anqrwpojs ( anthropos) Anthropology from the Greek Word, anqrwpojs ( anthropos) It is the study of what it means to be human It is the study of what it means to be human In Hebrew, the word “Adam” means man In Hebrew, the word “Adam” means man We are creatures, meaning that we were created by God We are creatures, meaning that we were created by God

3 Creation The creation formula= “God said... Let” Uniqueness to man? – Let us make – Formed Does this mean that Theistic Evolution is plausible? – No “Let us” formula still there Animals formed, too

4 Quick view of Evolution Micro-evolution – Change within a closed set Macro-evolution – Change from one set to another Micro= good Macro= bad Theistic Evolution = NO NO

5 Quick view on Uniqueness of Man Mankind made in the Image of God – Imago Dei – Genesis 1:26ff – Means the essence, not form – Synonymous with communicable attributes – Why the Imago Dei? Man made to rule and have dominion (Gen. 1:26ff) Adam Federal Head of mankind Trinitarian Imaging – made to represent in all ways

6 A Brief History of Man Man Created (Gen. 1-2) Made in Imago Dei (Gen 1:26-27) Innocent Mankind Falls (Gen. 3) Sinners – Mankind made to Rule – Federal Headship – This is because of Imago Dei – But Image has been marred by sin and the Headship brought destruction on all

7 What happened? Mankind fell (Genesis 3) The process is still the same Eve saw – The fruit was good for food (Lust of Flesh) – Pleasing to the eye (Lust of Eyes) – Able to make one wise (Pride of Life) Beware of (1 Jn. 2:16) – Lust of the flesh – Lust of the eyes – Pride of life Still today


9 Now the Big Problem... 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 – I am the “Natural Man” before Christ and CANNOT know/understand spiritual things Romans 8:5-10 – My mind is broken Ephesians 2:1-10 – For I was dead in my trespasses and sins in which I walked...

10 The Big Picture GOD GOD and Man* Man vs. GOD GOD and a chosen People The GOD-Man* GOD and a chosen People GOD and Man* Man vs. GOD

11 How do we get back home?

12 Romans 1:18-25 The Great Exchange The truth for the lie The knowledge of God and sin – We knew God – We knew about sin – We exchanged

13 Philippians 3:8-10

14 we need to switch back...

15 CCS SysTheo Anthropology Review

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