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Expectations in a World of Exceptions “Men and Women in Worship” I Timothy 2:13-15.

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1 Expectations in a World of Exceptions “Men and Women in Worship” I Timothy 2:13-15

2 1 Timothy 2:13-15 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. 15 Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.

3 The Appeal to the Created Order: (vs. 13-15) 1. The Order of Design: Adam first, then Eve. Headship O God’s Purpose for Adam: Headship Supportive O God’s Purpose for Eve: Supportive

4 The Appeal to the Created Order: (vs. 13-15) 2. The Outcome of Departure: O Eve’s “transgression” O Adam’s sin was volitional O Jesus was the “Second Adam”, redemption. Romans 5:12-18

5 The Appeal to the Created Order: (vs. 13-15) 3. The Outflow of the Women’s Design: O (“saved” – to deliver humanity from its fallen state)

6 Conclusion O Men O Men will find their greatest satisfaction in the role of headship; so graduate from leniency. O Women O Women will find their greatest gratification and meaning not in the male role, but in God’s role as wife and mother. O People will find their real purpose in Christ O People will find their real purpose in Christ.

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