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Chapter 6: The Mission of Christ. Last time…  We discussed Jesus’ baptism Who baptized Jesus? Did he think he was qualified to do so? Why did Jesus.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6: The Mission of Christ. Last time…  We discussed Jesus’ baptism Who baptized Jesus? Did he think he was qualified to do so? Why did Jesus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6: The Mission of Christ


3 Last time…  We discussed Jesus’ baptism Who baptized Jesus? Did he think he was qualified to do so? Why did Jesus bother to get baptized?

4 This lesson…  We will look at Jesus’ temptation in the desert  We will identify the significance of this time  We will see how Jesus’ reacts to the temptation

5 Words to Know  Epiphany Revelation or manifestation of God  Mortal sin A serious offense against God that destroys our friendship with him and causes us to lose grace and eternal life  Original sin The sin of Adam and Eve that is passed on to their descendants, who are born without grace and vulnerable to evil (all of us)

6 More words to know…  Sin Choosing to do what is wrong OR omit what is good  Temptation Person or thing that entices us to do what is wrong, OR omit what is good  Venial sin An offense that weakens our relationship with God

7 What is Temptation?  A child's view of temptation A child's view of temptation

8 Our inclination to sin…  Because of our original sin, we are more INCLINED to sin.  Making good moral choices is difficult because of temptation.

9 Temptation itself is NOT a sin—acting on temptation results in sin.  Temptation People or things that entice us to do what is wrong and omit what is good  Sin Choosing to do what is wrong and to omit what is good

10 See Matt. 4:1-11  What did Jesus do in the desert?  Why?  Why is the desert a good place to do this?

11 In groups…  Discuss and come to a conclusion: Which category does each temptation fall under—physical pleasure, pride, or power? How was Jesus able to withstand these temptations?

12 Review…  What are the two types of sin? Mortal ○ If we do or omit something serious, we know it is serious, and we WILLINGLY do it Venial ○ Minor offenses against God and His commandments

13 What weapons do we have against temptation?  Sacraments  Prayer  Fasting!  Self-control

14 Exit Tweet  How did Jesus overcome the temptations in the desert?


16 Why did Jesus go to the desert?  To prepare himself for his mission

17 Today we will have a mini desert experience  See Matt. 6:25-34

18 Questions to reflect on…  What is my biggest temptation right now?  What am I doing to resist it?  What does Christ expect of me?  What more can I do to overcome this temptation?


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