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W-2 Barrier Screening Tool (BST) In-Service. Course objectives Objectives  Upon completion of this course, you will be able to: Market the value of completing.

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Presentation on theme: "W-2 Barrier Screening Tool (BST) In-Service. Course objectives Objectives  Upon completion of this course, you will be able to: Market the value of completing."— Presentation transcript:

1 W-2 Barrier Screening Tool (BST) In-Service

2 Course objectives Objectives  Upon completion of this course, you will be able to: Market the value of completing the BST to W-2 applicants and participants Use the W-2 Basic Assumptions as a guide to marketing the BST Demonstrate the skills needed to administer the BST Make appropriate referrals based on the BST summary 11/28/11 DCF/DFES/BWF Partner Training Section 2

3 References W-2 Manual Chapter 5.4.1 W-2 Barrier Screening Tool Agreement 11/28/11 DCF/DFES/BWF Partner Training Section 3

4 Policy When to offer the BST  Prior to initial placement to those who have not previously completed the BST.  Once an applicant or participant has completed the BST, there is no requirement to offer the BST again, unless: The applicant reapplies for W-2 and his or her case has been closed for a period of one year or more; The individual requests to have the BST readministered; The FEP has reason to believe that readministering the BST may help identify a barrier that is affecting the participant’s ability to work or participate in work training activities. 11/28/11 DCF/DFES/BWF Partner Training Section 4

5 Policy continued The FEP is considering denying an initial 24-month or 60-month W- 2 time limit extension and the BST has not been completed or declined within 12 calendar months prior to the participant’s 24 th or 60 th month in an ongoing case. If the BST was not completed or declined within 12 calendar months prior to the end of the time limit, the FEP cannot deny an extension until the BST is offered to the participant using the BST Agreement form; or The individual’s W-2 case has been closed for a period of one year or more. At the time of application, the individual has either 60 months on his or her life time limit or 24 months on one of the placement time limits. In these circumstances, the FEP must offer the BST at application. DCF/DFES/BWF Partner Training Section 5 11/28/11

6 Purpose of a BST To identify the potential presence or risk of a personal barrier to normal functioning in an employment setting 11/28/11 DCF/DFES/BWF Partner Training Section 6

7 How to offer the W-2 BST W-2 BST Agreement How do you set up the offering of the BST? What assurances do you make to the applicant/ participant? What options do you give the applicant/ participant when offering the BST? 11/28/11 DCF/DFES/BWF Partner Training Section 7

8 Limited English Proficiency Agencies must make applicants/ participants aware of the availability of qualified interpreters to assist in completing the BST for individuals who cannot speak, read, write, or understand the English language at a level that permits them to interact effectively with program service providers. 11/28/11 DCF/DFES/BWF Partner Training Section 8

9 BST- CARES Functionality Anytime after a CARES Work Program referral date a worker can:  Create a completed record, or  Create a declined record How and when are referrals made to the work programs? 11/28/11 DCF/DFES/BWF Partner Training Section 9

10 BST- CARES Functionality Prior to eligibility confirmation and placement  The ACEO/ACPE/ACFO/AIJR driver flow will allow workers to refer an individual to work programs prior to confirming eligibility After confirmation of eligibility and placement  The AIWP screen is used for referral 11/28/11 DCF/DFES/BWF Partner Training Section 10

11 BST—Domestic Abuse Screen Domestic abuse and Sexual Abuse Review Good Cause Claim for not cooperating with child support 11/28/11 DCF/DFES/BWF Partner Training Section 11

12 BST-Functional Screen Mobility Physical Demands Environmental Conditions Self Care Communications Social Skills Work Limitations 11/28/11 DCF/DFES/BWF Partner Training Section 12

13 BST- Screen 2 Learning Needs Trauma Mental Health Traumatic Brain Injury Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse 11/28/11 DCF/DFES/BWF Partner Training Section 13

14 BST- Family Needs Section II Child Part A. Background Child Part C. Daily Living Needs Child Part D. Child Care Needs Adult Part A. Health Needs Adult Part B. Daily Living Needs 11/28/11 DCF/DFES/BWF Partner Training Section 14

15 Debrief- Applicant/Participant  How did it feel taking the BST?  Best practices observed  What could be improved? Case Managers  How easy or difficult is it to use the script?  How did you respond when a question was asked? 11/28/11 DCF/DFES/BWF Partner Training Section 15

16 W-2 BST Summary How is this summary reviewed with the customer? 11/28/11 DCF/DFES/BWF Partner Training Section 16

17 Referrals based on BST Summary What types of referrals may be made based on BST summary? What is your process for referral for formal assessment?  Is there an approval process? Who are your referral resources? 11/28/11 DCF/DFES/BWF Partner Training Section 17

18 Course objectives Objectives  Upon completion of this course, you will be able to: Market the value of completing the BST to W-2 applicants and participants Use the W-2 Basic Assumptions as a guide to marketing the BST Demonstrate the skills needed to administer the BST Make appropriate referrals based on the BST summary Thank you for participating and please complete the evaluation! 11/28/11 DCF/DFES/BWF Partner Training Section 18

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