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Group 9 “The software architecture of a program or computing system is the structure or structures of the system, which comprise software elements, the.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 9 “The software architecture of a program or computing system is the structure or structures of the system, which comprise software elements, the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 9 “The software architecture of a program or computing system is the structure or structures of the system, which comprise software elements, the externally visible properties of those elements, and the relationships among them”

2 Group members Mirela Divic Anders Magnus Braathen Hans Rasmussen Bjørn-Erik Stenbakk

3 Introduction Quality attributes in focus  Performance  Availability

4 Approach Phase 1:  Started out with Req. Spec. & Arch. design.  ….and doing it all over again Phase 2:  The ATAM Phase 3:  Implementation

5 Quality tactics Performance  Algorithm  Representation of the encountered world in the robots memory Availability  Preventing faults  Recovery

6 Our architecture Changed during implementation Described with three different views UML class diagram most valuable during implementation

7 Logical view


9 Development view 3. Controller 2. StateManager, PathRecorder 1. SensorInterpreter, Engine, Paths

10 Implementation Plan:  App. 1+ week figuring out the existing code and implemententing simple tasks  App. 1+ week making our Controller as we wanted it  App. 1+ week testing and writing final report  (NB! Everybody had other courses to attend as well)

11 Implementation The plan worked fairly well More time-consuming to implement simple tasks than expected More time-consuming to implement the final Controller Testing was done during implementation

12 Lessons learned (1/2) Framework:  Architecture depends on existing framework  Made a lot of ”hacks” to make it work

13 Lessons learned (2/2) ATAM  Evaluating another team’s architecture  Having our own architecture evaluated Programming AI

14 Results (1/3) Difficult to draw map by sensor-readings  Had to use a different approach  Robot best suited for following walls Excluding the need for complex search- algorithms

15 Results (2/3) The robot is able to:  Find and recognize balls  Find and recognize light  Record path when searching Efficient movement between encountered items  Avoid crashing and getting stuck (in most situations)

16 Results (3/3) Areas of improvement  Better recognition of balls  Controlled termination when finished or stuck  What to do when encountering a second ball

17 Conclusion Unable to fulfill all the requirements  Time consuming Final implementation differs somewhat from the original architecture Hard to keep architecture in focus  Simulator offers limited flexibility Low level experience in AI programming  Challenging task

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