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CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Math Professional Development Election Day Presented by: Simi Minhas Math Achievement Coach.

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Presentation on theme: "CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Math Professional Development Election Day Presented by: Simi Minhas Math Achievement Coach."— Presentation transcript:

1 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Math Professional Development Election Day Presented by: Simi Minhas Math Achievement Coach

2 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Please look at the signs at each table and sit accordingly. Each table has been marked with a grade level. If you are a coach, or do not teach a particular grade, please pick a grade level you want to work with. The purpose of sitting with a grade level is to share best practices with our colleagues, and learn from each other.

3 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Key Things to Remember from Previous PD Remember we want to help students become problem solvers, so provide them with the tools and stamina through math instruction. Allow for multiple entry points differentiating the components provided in the Go Math Program. Create a safe and respectful environment in the classroom where mistakes become teaching, and learning moments. Create a learning community, where we all learn from each other For students who are performing at higher levels, think about ways to challenge them, without providing the scaffolding provided by the program.

4 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Remember… Go math is just a program or a resource. You can use the components, or modify the components to meet the needs of your students. Any decision that you make should be supported by data (formative or summative) Have a system of monitoring students performance ad progress. Create systems that are easy to manage and are meaningful to you. Group students in a way where you can maximize instructional time. Both heterogeneous and homogeneous groupings have a place depending on the purpose of the grouping.

5 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader The Purpose of Assessment What assessment choices did we make? Why? How are we using the data from assessments to inform instruction and bridge learning gaps? It is very important that as educators we are able to justify the choices that we make for each assessment, and the purpose why those assessments were administered. It is also important that we don’t choose too many assessments, but instead focus on using the data from the few assessments that we pick to identify, and meet the needs of our students. In the pacing, two days are allotted for assessment for each unit. You can either assess both days, or review one day and assess the other.

6 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Share What assessments is your school using and why? How are you collecting formative data on regular basis? How are you using data from the formative and summative assessments to inform instruction? How are you using different components in the program to differentiate instruction? How are you incorporating other resources?

7 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Why Is “Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques” an Important Component of Effective Teaching? Good teachers use divergent as well as convergent questions, framed in such a way that invite students to form hypothesis, make connections, or challenge previously held views. High-quality questions encourage students to make connections among concepts or events previously believed to be unrelated and arrive at new understandings of complex materials.

8 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Why Is “Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques” an Important Component of Effective Teaching? In lessons involving small-group work, the quality of students’ questions and discussion in their small groups may be considered as part of the component. Higher-level questions from students, either in the full class or in small-group discussions, provide evidence that these skills have been taught. Students’ responses to questions are valued.

9 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Discussion techniques  Some teachers report that “we discussed x” when, what they mean is “I said x.”  Some teachers confuse discussion with explanation of content. As important as explanation is, it’s not discussion.  In a true discussion, a teacher … poses a question. invites all students’ views to be heard. enables students to engage in discussion directly with one another. does not always mediate.

10 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader In a Highly Effective Discussion… The teacher uses open-ended questions, inviting students to think and/or offer multiple possible answers. The teacher makes effective use of wait time. The teacher builds on and uses student responses to questions effectively. Discussions enable students to talk to one another, without ongoing mediation by the teacher. The teacher calls on most students, even those who don’t initially volunteer. Many students actively engage in the discussion.

11 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Discussion Using the Go Math Program Think about… How can use different components of the lesson to facilitate math discussion? Where in the program can you plan small group discussion? How can you create routines and protocols to engage students in meaningful discussions?

12 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Ways of Eliciting Student Responses and Starting Math Discussion Does anyone have a solution they would like to share? Please explain to the rest of the class how you got your answer. How did you begin working on this problem? Can you point to a part of this problem that was difficult? Why was it difficult? Did anyone approach the problem in a different way? Can you explain your thinking?

13 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Probing students’ answers to…  Figure out what a student means or is thinking, when you don’t understand what they are saying  Check whether right answers are supported by correct understanding  Probe wrong answers to understand student thinking

14 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Questions and prompts to Probe Student Responses Explain what you have done so far? What else is there to do? How do you know? Why did you ____? How did you get ____? Could you use models and manipulatives to show how that works? What led you to that idea? Walk us through your steps. Where did you begin? Please give an example. So is what you’re saying ____? When you say ____, do you mean ___? Could you explain a little more about what you are thinking? Can you explain that in a different way? What do you notice when _____?

15 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Math Video a-story-of-units-interpret-a-fraction-as-division Please take low inference notes during the video

16 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Discussion What was the teacher saying or doing? What were the students saying or doing? 3b-Effective: While the teacher may use some low-level questions, he or she poses questions to students designed to promote student thinking and understanding. Teacher creates a genuine discussion among students, providing adequate time for students to respond, and stepping aside when appropriate. Teacher successfully engages most students in the discussion, employing a range of strategies to ensure that most students are heard. 3b-Highly Effective: Teacher uses a variety or series of questions or prompts to challenge students cognitively, advance high level thinking and discourse, and promote meta-cognition. Students formulate many questions, initiate topics and make unsolicited contributions. Students themselves ensure that all voices are heard in the discussion.

17 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Connecting Go Math to Danielson Framework What are some of the key ideas in the Teacher Effectiveness Rubric, that make a teacher effective?

18 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader


20 Ways to Use CCSS Math Talk Cards to Facilitate Math Discussions Introduce the cards one or two at a time and have the students use them in small groups Continue this process until you have introduces all of the eight mathematical practices Students can use these cards as a tool These cards allow for entry points for those students who are not comfortable starting a math conversation

21 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Animated Math Models http://www- 2012/na/gr5/amm_9780547665054_/index.html

22 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader i-Tools http://www- n/itools_pri_9780547584973_/index.html

23 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader NYC Resources monCoreClassroom/Mathematics/elementary_math This website provides scope and sequence, lesson roadmaps, lesson overview and math other resources for math planning.

24 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Shifts in Mathematics 24 Shift 1FocusTeachers significantly narrow and deepen the scope of how time and energy is spent in the math classroom. They do so in order to focus deeply on only the concepts that are prioritized in the standards. Shift 2CoherencePrincipals and teachers carefully connect the learning within and across grades so that students can build new understanding onto foundations built in previous years. Shift 3FluencyStudents are expected to have speed and accuracy with simple calculations; teachers structure class time and/or homework time for students to memorize, through repetition, core functions. Shift 4Deep Understanding Students deeply understand and can operate easily within a math concept before moving on. They learn more than the trick to get the answer right. They learn the math. Shift 5ApplicationStudents are expected to use math and choose the appropriate concept for application even when they are not prompted to do so. Shift 6Dual IntensityStudents are practicing and understanding. There is more than a balance between these two things in the classroom – both are occurring with intensity.

25 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Planning Please take the time to look at a grade specific lesson and think about how would you change the lesson to meet the needs of your students. Write down those changes, and talk with the people at your table about why did you decide to make those changes.

26 CFN 204 · Diane Foley · Network Leader Questions and Feedback Please fill out the Feedback Form before you leave. Thanks!!!! Please visit the CFN204 page for the power point from this workshop.

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