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14th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 15-19, 2015, Varenna, ItalyMarilena Avrigeanu 1 Role of the direct mechanisms in the deuteron-induced.

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Presentation on theme: "14th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 15-19, 2015, Varenna, ItalyMarilena Avrigeanu 1 Role of the direct mechanisms in the deuteron-induced."— Presentation transcript:

1 14th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 15-19, 2015, Varenna, ItalyMarilena Avrigeanu 1 Role of the direct mechanisms in the deuteron-induced surrogate reactions Marilena Avrigeanu and Vlad Avrigeanu Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), Bucharest, Romania 14th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR REACTION MECHANISMS June 15-19, 2015, Varenna, Italy F4E-GRT-168.02, Tasks 5.1/8.2 PN-II-ID-PCE-3-2011-0450 Content Content 1. Introduction 2. Surrogate Reaction Approximations 3. Deuteron BU effects 4. Conclusions

2 14th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 15-19, 2015, Varenna, ItalyMarilena Avrigeanu 2 DEUTERON Surrogate Reactions 2 Marilena Avrigeanu

3 14th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 15-19, 2015, Varenna, ItalyMarilena Avrigeanu 3 Breakup deuteron effects : 231 Pa(d,3n) 230 U reaction Breakup deuteron effects : 231 Pa(d,3n) 230 U reaction

4 14th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 15-19, 2015, Varenna, ItalyMarilena Avrigeanu 4 SURROGATE REACTIONS: STRONG EFFECTS OF THE DEUTERON BREAKUP test of d-surrogate 232 Th(d,p)

5 14th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 15-19, 2015, Varenna, ItalyMarilena Avrigeanu 5 SURROGATE REACTIONS: STRONG EFFECTS OF THE DEUTERON BREAKUP 5 desired reaction: 232 Th(n, ɤ ) 233 Th surrogate reaction: 232 Th(d,p ɤ ) 233 Th E ex : [4.786 - 5.782] MeV E p : [9.672 - 8.676] MeV; θ p :[ 124 o -138 o ] inelastic breakup enhancement 232 Th(n BU, ɤ ) 233 Th E d =12 MeV; = 14.458 MeV 232 Th(d,p)

6 14th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 15-19, 2015, Varenna, ItalyMarilena Avrigeanu 6 SURROGATE REACTIONS: STRONG EFFECTS OF THE DEUTERON BREAKUP desired reaction: 232 Th(n, ɤ ) 233 Th surrogate reaction: 232 Th(d,p ɤ ) 233 Th E* : [4.786 - 5.782] MeV E p : [9.672 - 8.676] MeV; θ p :[ 124 o -138 o ] BU inelastic enh. 233 Th * : BU inelastic enh. 232 Th(n breakup, ɤ ) DRstripping DR (stripping) 232 Th(d,p) CN CN 232 Th(d,p) NOT CONSIDERED : LARGE leakage of d flux flux through BU before flux through BU before CN formation CN formation CN mechanism, d-surrogate CN mechanism, too restrictive frame for d-surrogate EXCEPT SR BU& DR EXCEPT the S urrogate R atio M ethod, where the effects of BU & DR are diminished

7 14th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 15-19, 2015, Varenna, ItalyMarilena Avrigeanu 7 Breakup Cross Sections Parametrizations Kalbach (2003) Kalbach (2010) Avrigeanu+ (2009) Avrigeanu+ (2009) Fusion. Eng. Design, 84, 418 (2009) Phys. Rev. C 89, 0446613 (2014) www-nds.iaea. org/fendl3/vardocs.html.

8 14th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 15-19, 2015, Varenna, ItalyMarilena Avrigeanu 8 Importance of Deuteron Breakup mechanism Warning for d-surrogates BU-Dominance !!!

9 14th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 15-19, 2015, Varenna, ItalyMarilena Avrigeanu 9 232Th(d,p)233Th STRIPPING REACTIONS: IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTION

10 14th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 15-19, 2015, Varenna, ItalyMarilena Avrigeanu 10 CONCLUSIONS  PE & EVAPORATION  PE & EVAPORATION cross sections corrected for DIRECT INTERACTIONS initial flux leakage towards DIRECT INTERACTIONS  DIRECT INTERACTIONS d  DIRECT INTERACTIONS (DI) effects to d interactions BREAKUP DOMINANT BREAKUP : DOMINANT for heavy targets at E d ~V C BREAKUP ENHANCEMENT BREAKUP ENHANCEMENT of activation c.s. STRIPPING & PICK-UP STRIPPING & PICK-UP maxima Ed~ 8-10 MeV Nuclear Reactions studies based on deuteron induced reactions should consider BREAKUP & STRIPPING / PICK-UP EFFECTS Thank you!  DEUTERON SURROGATE RATIO METHOD  DEUTERON SURROGATE RATIO METHOD IS THE SOLUTION

11 14th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 15-19, 2015, Varenna, ItalyMarilena Avrigeanu 11 Marilena Avrigeanu 11 14th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 15-19, 2015, Varenna, ITALY

12 14th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 15-19, 2015, Varenna, ItalyMarilena Avrigeanu 12 Marilena Avrigeanu 12 14th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 15-19, 2015, Varenna, ITALY

13 14th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 15-19, 2015, Varenna, ItalyMarilena Avrigeanu 13 d Surrogate reactions method δ = d + D CN Excited nucleus CN  = a + A  = c + C DR: n   p BU+DR+CN IF: EXCEPT:  1=  2, CN1≠ CN2 (ESR)  1=  2, CN1= CN2,  1 ≠  2 (ISR)  = c + C

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