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® Intelligent Mail NPPC May 13, 2008. 2 Intelligent Mail Vision Provide end-to-end visibility, throughout the entire supply chain, using:  Standardized.

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Presentation on theme: "® Intelligent Mail NPPC May 13, 2008. 2 Intelligent Mail Vision Provide end-to-end visibility, throughout the entire supply chain, using:  Standardized."— Presentation transcript:

1 ® Intelligent Mail NPPC May 13, 2008

2 2 Intelligent Mail Vision Provide end-to-end visibility, throughout the entire supply chain, using:  Standardized intelligent barcodes  Continuous mail tracking  Mail quality feedback in real-time and  Service measurements

3 3 Mail Preparation Inside the Intelligent Mail Barcode  Barcode ID: 2-digit field to specify presort makeup. “00” if you don’t use OEL  Special Services: 3-digit field used to identify extra services like Confirm, OneCode ACS. “700”: First-Class; “702”: Standard; “704”: Periodicals  Mailer ID (MID): 6- or 9-digit Mailer identifier assigned by USPS  Adjustable Field: 3-digit field used for MID (if 9-digit MID), or for Serial Number (if 6-digit MID)  Unique Serial Number: 6 or 9-digit field used to uniquely identify mailpieces  Destination ZIP: 11-digit Delivery Point ZIP Code 1516171819 Unique Serial Number 6N 202122232425262728293031 Routing ZIP 11N 3 45 Service Type 3N 67891011 Mailer ID 6N 12 Barcode ID 2N 121314 3N Adj Field

4 4  Uniquely identifies the sender  Uniquely identifies the mailpiece or aggregate  Includes sortation & routing  Includes Product, Special Service, or other Unique indicators Intelligent Mail® Tray Barcode 6060 PRIMACY PKWY STE 201 MEMPHIS TN 38188 Address Change Service John Doe 6449 AMBERVIEW CV MEMPHIS TN 38141 - 8346 ABC Company Intelligent Mail® Package Barcode Intelligent Mail® Container Barcode Mail Preparation New Intelligent Mail ® Barcodes Intelligent Mail® Barcode Information-Based Indicia

5 ® Comments to Federal Register Notice

6 6 Comments addressed the following topics:  Readiness of Mailers and USPS in January 2009  Containerization Standards  Mail “Owner’s” Identification  Requirement for FAST appointments  BRM & CRM Requirements  Longevity of the Basic IMB®  IMB® use on Parcels  Use of Optional Endorsement Lines [OEL’s]  Suggestions to achieve “Uniqueness”  Mailing documentation to match physical mail  Miscellaneous Items

7 7 Readiness of Mailers & USPS in January 2009  January 2009 implementation moved to May 2009  Tied directly to new prices in May 2009

8 8 Containerization Standards  Concern about a lack of standards for First Class Letter or Flats  IMB proposal does not include containerization standards  Any new containerization standards would be subject of a separate proposal

9 9 Mail “Owner’s” Identification  Shift from requirement from ID in Barcode to;  Alternative method to identify owner through electronic documentation

10 10 Requirement for FAST Appointments  We are not proposing required FAST Appointments for First Class Mail  Will continue to require for drop ship for DBMC, DADC, or DSCF for Periodicals, Standard and Package Services

11 11 BRM & CRM Requirements  BRM & CRM omitted from first Federal Register Notice  Proposing Barcodes for letter and flat reply mail  Business Reply Mail®, Courtesy Reply Mail™, Meter Reply Mail and Permit Reply Mail  In IMB® format with Mailer ID and Reply Mail Service Type ID as of May 2010

12 12 Longevity of Basic IMB®  We are not proposing Basic IMB® option be temporary  Basic IMB® are information rich and convey more information than POSTNET

13 13 Use of Intelligent Mail Barcodes on Parcels  Current Federal Register Notice for IMB® only applies to Letters, Postcards and Flats  Currently refining standards for packages and will publish at a later date

14 14 Use of Optional Endorsement Lines  The top piece in a bundle must contain:  An OEL, information also in barcode; or  Pressure Sensitive bundle label

15 15 Suggestions to achieve Uniqueness  Suggestion to link delivery routing code and the serial number ID  Proposal: Serial number ID in combination with Mailer ID and Service Type ID

16 16 Documentation to match physical mail  Nesting of physical mail should match the nesting presented in electronic documentation  Some instances where exact match of physical and electronic is challenging, but total number of pieces sorted to each destination matches the documentation

17 17 Miscellaneous Items  Free Address Correction Service; will be provided for correctly formatted pieces in Full-Service IMB® Mailings  10/24 Barcode Format; Specification/Requirements will be posted on RIBBS this week. USPS will update technology to read pure 24 Format by May 2009.  Variety of other issues covered by current Mailing Standards in DMM®

18 18 Questions & Answers

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