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Evacuation Safety Planners * Jason HaycockRobert Broussard Colleen Grentz Project Manager Analyst & Webmaster Analyst & Project Designer.

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Presentation on theme: "Evacuation Safety Planners * Jason HaycockRobert Broussard Colleen Grentz Project Manager Analyst & Webmaster Analyst & Project Designer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evacuation Safety Planners * Jason HaycockRobert Broussard Colleen Grentz Project Manager Analyst & Webmaster Analyst & Project Designer

2 Floodplain and Evacuation Network Analysis of the San Marcos, Texas Extraterritorial Jurisdiction

3 Presentation Summary Introduction & Objectives Data Software Methodology & Results Timeline Budget Final Deliverables Participation Conclusion Proposed Research

4 Introduction: Objectives for this project were arrived upon through correspondence with the City of San Marcos, Texas Two floods in the past 10 years caused water levels to surpass the 500 year floodplain Flood management used to reduce damage and sustain life in at-risk communities

5 ESP’s Objectives ESP’s Objectives: Determine low water crossings Locate potential flood risk areas Designate various emergency shelters Determine evacuation service areas coupled with emergency shelters Evaluate population vulnerability

6 Scope: This study covered the City of San Marcos, Texas and the associated Extraterritorial Jurisdiction.

7 Data Sources City of San Marcos, Texas FEMA Texas Hazard Mitigation Package US Census Bureau

8 Data Files FEMA 100 Year & 500 Year Floodplains October 1998 Flood Line October 1998 Damage Assessment Table Centerline Road Network Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Land Parcels

9 Data Files One Way Roads Current Infrastructure Rivers Major Streams US Census Data Population Vulnerability

10 Data Description Projection: –Texas State Plane Coordinate System –NAD 1983 Texas South Central Zone Metadata: –Compiled using Federal Geographic Data Committee Standards

11 Software Microsoft Excel –Tabular data formation ESRI ArcGIS 9 –ArcMap 9.1 Network Analyst Spatial Analyst –ArcCatolog 9.1 Data Management Metadata

12 Methodology & Results Low water crossings determined by where the floodway crossed a street or highway Damage assessment from the 1998 flood done by assigning damages to parcels Proposed emergency shelters for each designated service area - used a 12 square foot plan per person for each shelter to figure out the capacity for each building

13 San Marcos Low Water Crossing





18 Methodology & Results Identify potential flood areas using overlay analysis Assess flood vulnerability based on Texas Hazard Mitigation Package data Developed network service areas which lead evacuees to emergency shelters

19 Methodology & Results Vulnerability Assessment Texas Hazard Mitigation Package –Population vulnerability to floods V_FACTOR was created using the Risk Zone values for floods from the Flood Risk Zones dataset. V_SCORE was calculated as [POP2000 / V_FACTOR]




23 Service Areas The primary shelters in the entire region could house around 78,035 people without taking into account items inside the buildings such as chairs, desks, tables or pews in churches. The two proposed shelters have no designated amount of square footage since they do not yet exist so they are not incorporated in the estimates.

24 Hazardous Zones We found a problem with two areas of the ETJ being potential hazard zones. These are the areas that are bound by low water crossings that do not contain a proposed emergency shelter.


26 Timeline Week 12345678910 Dates Sept. 25th Oct. 2nd Oct. 9th Oct. 16th Oct. 23rd Oct. 30th Nov. 6th Nov. 13th Nov. 20th Nov. 27th Data Collection Data Processing Data Analysis Interpretation Deliverables and Review

27 Budget: Data Collection ‘$570 Data Analysis $10,650 Systems Management ‘ $3,000 Equipment $10,756 Software License $1,750 ------------ Total $26,726

28 Deliverables: Website Multiple copies of CD’s containing: –All data & maps developed for this project –Metadata for all layers –Written reports –Professional poster

29 Conclusion Conclusion: Discovery of valuable information that will allow the City of San Marcos, Texas to understand more thoroughly potential flood areas, sustain emergency preparedness, reduce damage to infrastructure, and save lives.

30 Participation Jason Haycock -- Team Management and Analysis –Evacuation network analysis –Floodplain and flood line analysis –Population vulnerability assessment Colleen Grentz -- Project Design and Analysis –Risk assessment analysis –Determination of emergency shelters –Determination of low water crossings Robert Broussard – Website Management and Analysis –Metadata formation –Data management –Cooperative website development

31 Proposed Research: Development of an interactive online evacuation network that instantly illustrates least cost pathways from specific geographic locations.



34 Proposed Research: Application of additional location analysis and population assessment –ESRI’s Business Analyst Online





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