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The Open Source Spatial Services Kit: Lowering the Cost of Deploying Services on the Geo-Web Presented by Ben Lewis Advanced Technology Solutions, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "The Open Source Spatial Services Kit: Lowering the Cost of Deploying Services on the Geo-Web Presented by Ben Lewis Advanced Technology Solutions, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Open Source Spatial Services Kit: Lowering the Cost of Deploying Services on the Geo-Web Presented by Ben Lewis Advanced Technology Solutions, Inc. Lancaster, PA Location Intelligence Conference 2006, San Francisco

2 What is the Spatial Services Kit? Set of open source components bundled to support map service deployment Easy to install Flexible data updates from any GIS system Image or XML based services

3 The Niche Organizations with public data to serve to an SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure) Everyone - Next generation mashups and Google Earth applications need a spatial server

4 Genesis of Kit Approach: Kentucky Landscape Census Project Funded by NASA under Earth Science Enterprise Office Provides data, data sharing infrastructure, and education for using NASA data to characterize landscape change To “energize the base” an open source GIS approach was taken to develop county servers

5 Genesis of Kit Approach: Kentucky Landscape Census Project Instead of selecting a single vendor, develop a network of system “nodes” that share data and geoprocessing capabilities utilizing common, open (OGC) interfaces OGC = The Open GIS Consortium Core Mission: To deliver spatial interface specifications that are openly available for global use

6 The Kentucky Data Sharing Model Local Node Kits

7 How Does Data Loading Work? Layer extract has been written to generic format: 1. Schema which references data 2. Shapefile with key attribute (geometry) 3. Delimited text file (attribute table) One time load or scheduled load Supports any flat attribute structure

8 Sample Import Schema <shapeFile id="parcels" path=".\data\PARCELS.shp" srid="2247" layer="PARCELS" keyAttr="PARCEL_ID" />

9 What Clients are Supported? Any WMS (Web Mapping Service) client ArcMap Intergraph WMS viewer CubeWerx viewer JUMP desktop Any WFS or GML client In development Google Earth RSS

10 The Kit Uses these Open Source Components: Apache Web Server http://httpd.apache.org Jakarta Tomcat GeoServer http://geoserver.sourceforge.net MapServer http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu PostGIS http://postgis.refractions.net

11 Your questions, comments, ideas most welcome!

12 Contact Information Ben Lewis Advanced Technology Solutions, Inc. Lancaster, PA

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