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Landscape modelling of Ilomantsi field scenery areas by GIS-based methods BBN project Kaunas 9.11.2007 Heikki Parikka The Regional Council of North Karelia.

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Presentation on theme: "Landscape modelling of Ilomantsi field scenery areas by GIS-based methods BBN project Kaunas 9.11.2007 Heikki Parikka The Regional Council of North Karelia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Landscape modelling of Ilomantsi field scenery areas by GIS-based methods BBN project Kaunas 9.11.2007 Heikki Parikka The Regional Council of North Karelia

2 Landscape Planning and Bioenergy in Ilomantsi  The Hill Villages of Ilomantsi are one of the 27 national named landscapes in Finland  These landscapes have great symbolic value and widely recognised significance in cultural and historical terms  Due to changes in agriculture and land use, traditional landscapes and cultivation fields are reforesting and disappearing.  Situation of land use, bioenergy resources and production possibilities in hill fields areas are well defined using different kinds of statistics.  One opportunity to protect valuable cultural landscapes is to cultivate biomass plants e.g. grass, oilseed rape, reed canary grass or cereal crops for bioenergy  Bioenergy production can also support local employment, economical and social development and decrease dependency of import energy.

3 The Hill Villages of Ilomantsi Inventory of the scenery areas (the North Karelia Regional Environment Centre) Field parcel data (the Information Centre of Ministry of Agriculture in Finland, TIKE)

4 The Field Parcels in the Landscape Areas  The acreage of the field parcels in the scenery areas in Ilomantsi 375 ha  The area of not cultivated or abandoned fields in landscape areas 142 ha  38 % not cultivated

5 Ilomantsi: fields on tops of hills Not cultivated Cultivated

6 Hakovaara, Ilomantsi

7 The landscape view sectors in Hakovaara

8 The Use of Fields in 2005, Hakovaara

9 Visualising GIS data in the Internet The Ilomantsi field data in an Openlayers user interface ( The data published by Geoserver Open Source server ( The field data loaded from a PostgreSQL database ( The Satellite image from from Google Earth™ mapping service

10 Landscape visualisation in the Internet Visualisation of a field reforestation by Google Earth™ and COLLADA™ tree models

11 Google Earth visualisation of Hakovaara Ex.kmz could be run with GoogleEarth Thank You!

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