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Phase I ESA Environmental Site Assessment. Purpose Is to provide a professional opinion on the potential for current presence of RECS at the subject property.

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Presentation on theme: "Phase I ESA Environmental Site Assessment. Purpose Is to provide a professional opinion on the potential for current presence of RECS at the subject property."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phase I ESA Environmental Site Assessment

2 Purpose Is to provide a professional opinion on the potential for current presence of RECS at the subject property.

3 Detailed Scope-of-Service Conducted a regulatory database search of known underground storage tanks, landfills, hazardous waste generation or treatment, storage and disposal facilities, and subsurface contamination in the surrounding area within a mile.

4 Significant Assumptions None where made

5 Limitations and Exceptions No conditions were encountered that would limit UR’s ability to complete the scope of work.

6 Special Terms and Conditions No special terms or conditions apply other than noted below. Perform work in a professional manner

7 User Reliance Solely by COCH

8 Location and Legal Description 304 East 14 th Street to 320 East 14 th Street

9 Subject Property and Vicinity Characteristics Vacant Adjacent properties are commerical and presidential

10 Physical Settings 640 feet above msl Groundwater in the vicinity flows northeast

11 Descriptions of Structures, Roads, and Other Improvements Abandoned foundation 2 story apartment building

12 Current Adjoining Property Uses n/a

13 Title Records Not provided with title insurance

14 Environmental Liens Use Limitations Liens report for all subject reports

15 Specialized Knowledge n/a

16 Owner, Site Manager, and Occupant Information Owned by COCH

17 Reason for Conducting Phase I ESA Requested for potential future development

18 Other Information Occupied by a garage as late as 1978 Potential dumping of illegal substances

19 Standard Environmental Records A regulatory database search report was prepared for the subject property by EDR on March 5,2007. URS reviewed the EDR to evaluate whether activities on the near the subject have the potential to make subject property.

20 Additional Environmental Records COCH-URS submitted a FOIA request to the COCH for info regarding the subject property. Illinois OSFM was not received at the time this report was prepared. IEPA,BOL was also received at the time this report was repared.

21 Historical Use A bank and a saloon were located at 304 East 14 th Street.

22 Aerial Photographs 1952-was improved several structures although due to the poor quality of the aerial photograph, Individual structures were difficult to discern. 1967-No changes 1974_1994-No changes

23 Topographic Maps 1901-1929 improved with two large square structure and a large rectangular depicted. 1948-1980 No changes

24 Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps 1911-Bank and saloon at 1409 5 th Avenue, 304 E. 14 th ST, 322 E. 14 th ST, and 1400 Wentworth by E. 14 th follows by commercial structure 319 E. 14 th ST. 1950-Developed with a mattress factory at 304 E. 14 th ST 1996-No changes 1975- No changes

25 City Directories Due to the limitations of the DER search process, the city directory search was only conducted for the subject property address of 284 E. 14 th ST. Adjacent properties weren’t listed in the city directories from 1991-2006.

26 Methodology and Limiting Conditions URS conducted a site reconnaissance of the property on March 5,2007: Clear sky 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Properties around property were observed by walking and or driving.

27 Interior and Exterior Observations N/A

28 Hazardous Substances and Petroleum Products Hazardous substances and petroleum products were not observed at the subject site reconnaissance.

29 Underground/ Aboveground Storage Tanks URD observed no evidence of USTs.

30 PCB-Containing and Hydraulic Equipment Two of the pole mounted transformers were located on the western portion of parcel C.

31 Solid and Hazardous Wastes Subject property is currently vacant No solid waste is currently generated Scattered debris was observed on the parcels

32 Drains and Sumps No drains/sumps were observed Stormwater managed by street flow or surface infilteration Site area runoff travels to surrounding roadways and the municipal combined sewer system

33 Waste Water No process or sanitary wastewater is generated on site Stormwater flows to stormwater drains located in the adjacent streets

34 Utilities The subject property is vacant Utilities are not proveided

35 Wells No wells were observed or reported on Adjacent to the subject property during the site reconnaissance Site contacts were not aware of wells at subject property

36 Pits, Ponds, Lagoons No pits, ponds, or lagoons were observed on the subject property during the property visit

37 Other Physical Evidence of Contamination No other physical evidence of contamination was observed on the property during UR’s With exception of scattered debris that was observed on the subject proerty

38 Conclusions n/a

39 Environmental Professionals Involved Stacy McCance-Property Environmental Scientist Sarah Ruben-Project Geologist

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