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Citizens for Agricultural Land Reform A solution for sustainability for the Agricultural Land Reserve.

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Presentation on theme: "Citizens for Agricultural Land Reform A solution for sustainability for the Agricultural Land Reserve."— Presentation transcript:

1 Citizens for Agricultural Land Reform A solution for sustainability for the Agricultural Land Reserve


3 PROPOSAL  5-year moratorium on Agricultural Land Reserve east of the Rockies  Review at the end of 4 years  If it’s working – abolition of the Agricultural Land Reserve east of the Rockies

4 Area included & excluded from ALR by Regional District 1974 to Dec. 2010

5 The amount of prime land has declined

6 Agricultural Capability of ALR has declined since 1974

7 Site C – 4612 ha

8 87% is Class 1, 2, or 3


10 The ALC creates inequities  Between land owners  Between businesses  Between tax payers  Between BC and AB

11 Section 6 – Purpose of ALC  The following are the purposes of the commission:  (a) to preserve agricultural land;  (b) to encourage farming on agricultural land in collaboration with other communities of interest;  (c) to encourage local governments, first nations, the government and its agents to enable and accommodate farm use of agricultural land and uses compatible with agriculture in their plans, bylaws and policies.


13 Rolla 1974

14 Rolla 2010

15 Where have all the farm families gone?

16 Saddle Hills County 1. Agriculture is the most important land use in the rural area 2. Development and growth shall be directed to appropriate locations 3. Residential growth and country residential subdivision shall be encouraged 4. Economic diversity shall be promoted 5. The integrity of environmentally sensitive areas and open spaces shall be protected 6. The transportation system shall be safe and convenient

17 What Saddle Hills is doing right… In its Agricultural Policy area  Uses a rating system that distinguishes “better” agricultural land  Allows “farmstead separation”  Permits 1 vacant subdivision on “better” ag land  Permits 3 subdivisions on other ag land  Allows major and minor home business  Promotes viability of settlements, hamlets

18 ALC discriminates against BC business

19 BC, AB & SK have committed to  Treat businesses, investors and workers of the two provinces at least as favourably as they treat their own or those of another jurisdiction.  Mutually recognize or otherwise reconcile unnecessary differences in their standards and regulations.


21 Key Points  ALC failed as a steward of farm land – decline in all critical food growing areas of BC – and public misled  Farmers treated as criminals when they participate in oil and gas service industry  ALC is destroying rural communities and family farms by its strident stand against subdividing off small home site parcels.  ALC discriminates against BC business in contravention of NWPTA  We are willing to manage our own agricultural land through local governance  Our proposal will allow ALC to refocus where need is greatest

22 Questions?????

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