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New detection system for heavy element research: sum of technologies Yu.S.Tsyganov, A.N.Polyakov, A.A.Voinov FLNR, JINR, 141980 Dubna,

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Presentation on theme: "New detection system for heavy element research: sum of technologies Yu.S.Tsyganov, A.N.Polyakov, A.A.Voinov FLNR, JINR, 141980 Dubna,"— Presentation transcript:

1 New detection system for heavy element research: sum of technologies Yu.S.Tsyganov, A.N.Polyakov, A.A.Voinov FLNR, JINR, 141980 Dubna, Russia @Dubna-Livermore-Oak Ridge Collaboration Contents (goal : upgrade det. System for rare events detection) 1)Introduction- a)The DGFRS and it’s integrated PC based complex for data acquisition&processing. Protection system. b) FP Detector types since ~1990,(little bit of history) TOF low pressure gaseous detector. 2)a) SHE synthesis experiments: specifics, detection system, software, real-time algorithm. b) Method of “active correlations”. Applications in the SHE experiments (Z=117) 3) … few words about DSSSD nearest future application 4) SUMMARY Actinide target mounting Sept. 10, NEC’2013 VARNA Bulgaria President IUPAC Professor Kazuyuki Tatsumi declares name of Z=114 discovered at the DGFRS as Flerovium

2 Blue – monitoring&protection Green – detection Magenta - “active” correlations ER-alpha Red – aerosol control (rad. Safety staff, autonomous)

3 The DGFRS Focal Plane Detectors since ~1990 TypeSize~yearmanufacturerAdditional info n-Si(Au)55 mm diam1988-1989FLNR, JINR Adjustment of the DGFRS P-Si(Al)48 mm1989-1992FLNR, JINR To measure Efficiency (aseparate chamber) Ruggeri zed surface- a little washing with acetone was possible n-Si(Au) 18mm x 6 det array 1990FLNR, JINR 40 Ar+ 235 U experiment (neg res) n-Si (Au)2x2.5 cm x 6 det1991-1993FLNR, JINR Ch. St. systematic, Some HI exp-s e.g. U+Ne, O. 207 Pb+ 40 Ar  244 F m+3n PIPS pos. sens.1x4 x 12 strip1994-2008 CANBERRA NV, Belgium 48 Ca beam+AcTag PIPS pos. sens. 0.37 x 6 x 32 strip 2009 – present time CANBERRA NV, Belgium 48 Ca+ 249 Bk  117 DSSSD 6x12 cm 2 48x128 strips (~330 µm depth) 2013 November, Is planned Micron Semiconductor, UK 48 Ca + 240 Pu Solid state (plastic) 14x6 cm 2 1989JINR 207 Pb+ 40 Ar  244 F m+3n 40 Ar+ 207 Pb  244 Fm + 3n Once, in 1994 detector (pos. sens. p-n junction-diffusion) from Livermore Lab was used in 248 Cm+ 22 Ne  265 106+5n

4 Veto detector: to suppress charge particles, coming from cyclotron, passing through the focal plane one and creating no signal in the gaseous TOF detector Two 6x6cm 2 chips ~320 μm depth Totally depleted 32 pos. sensitive strips 3.8 x 60 mm Side detectors: Eight chips 6x6 cm 2 TOF module (filled with~ 1.6 Torr Pentane. ) New Detection module of the DGFRS 16 in charge sens. preamplifier

5 present Past 2000-2010 Future Nov 2013 (digital) Pa3n ADC E, top, bottom Basic idea – time “smoothing””

6 Experiment parameters monitoring & Protection System of the DGFRS PC based, CAMAC, KK012 M, PCI int., Windows XP, C++ Builder 6.0 It provides: -Parameter monitoring, visualization associated with: cyclotron beam, detection system, separator by itself; - Protection against any abnormal situations (very actual when one use high activity Actinide targets e.g.) (Phys. Of Part. And Nucl. Lett., v 7, no.5 (2010)370-377; + in Proc. of RT-2010 Symp., June 2010, Lisbon, Portugal ; Proc. of NEC’2009 Int. Symp.,, Sept. 2009, 2011, Varna, Bulgaria, 2009 New Delhi, India (seminar)

7 Main user interface / Experiment 48 Ca+ 249 Bk  117+3,4n April- November 2012 cyclotron “energy” window

8 Method of “active correlations” – radical background suppression (idea by Yu.Tsyganov HPC ASIA’97, Seoul + NEC’97 VARNA 1 st test (Fm ER ) 1998 Int. Conf/ Brighton, Lewis UK) 2 10091.8 32.4 0 0.0 2446.508 0.9509 745 1 0 0:12:29 15 10965.8 40.4 0 0.0 2787.342 0.1006 745 1 0 0:17:57 15 10284.6 35.9 22.4 2787.643 745 0 0 149 3033 (1.265+9.017) 15 9619.9 40.1 18.9 2793.432 745 0 0 100 2064 15 9401.4 40.1 18.8 2942.940 745 0 0 0 0 Beam stop’s+ beam off on-line (~1-2 min after rt..) buffer fragment…

9 Flow chart of the RT EVR-alpha pointer search algorithm

10 C++ code fragment : search for potential ER-alpha pointer int j=0; T_PRE_SET=0.00000001; correlationt=false; str_memo=-1; pixelt =0; // глоб pixelt = int (DISCRET*pstT/60.0); if (pixelt > DIS-4 || pixelt < 4) pixelt=0; if (EVR== true && elapsedT > 0.1 ) { RECOT[pixelt][strno]= elapsedT; cnt_EVR_top++; } if (ALFA==true && situation==false && pixelt > N_PI && pixelt EAMIN) { cnt_top++; for (j=0; j < N_PI; j++) dt[j]=0; for (j=0; j < N_PI; j++) dt[j]=elapsedT - RECOT[pixelt-N_PI/2 + j][strno]; dt_min=5.0; for (j=0; j<N_PI; j++) dt_min =(dt[j]<= dt_min)? dt[j] : dt_min; }….

11 Typical calibration spectrum ( strip#5). To operate in real-time mode it takes 752 calibration parameters to insert to Builder 6.0 C++ data taking code extracted from calibration reactions. (~few days) 217 Th (T 1/2 = 237 µs ) 215 Ra

12 ER registered energy systematics

13 Example of application: reaction 249 Bk+ 48 Ca  117+3,4n 52.69+6.51 = 59.20 23.5+35.81 = 59.31 35.79+23.91= 59.70 42.11+17.50= 59.61 40.13+19.01= 59.14 39.65+20.66= 60.31 28.57+31.75= 60.32 37.24+22.64= 59.88 24.67+34.63= 59.30 25.14+34.99= 60.13 38.48+20.84= 59.32

14 Calc. Nr By Dr. V.Utyonkov (meth. K.-H.Schmidt) Yu.Oganessian PRC 87, 054621 (2013)

15 4).. DSSSD application 48 (front) x 128 (back) strips Goals: 1) to operate (in parallel) with ORNL digital system (data flow,beam stops) 2) Autonomosly (~15 µs)

16 Back side DSSSD strip signals read-out Dr. Alexandr Yakushev (TASCA) : ~20% signals from back side are shared between neighbor strips (private communication)  It means, because of we use multiplexers, it is necessary to avoid Situation when two neighbor signals are coming to the SAME ADC ! (our tests in ORNL 5.5 MeV ~17%) Therefore  Table of connections is : Plan to a nearest future to use Zlokazov auto calibration method- Polinomial extrapolation basing on Quazicurvature function for 48 strips alpha scale without using interactive mode [ CPC v184 Issue 2, 2013pp 429-431 ] chanstrip +will reported by Dr. Zlokazov

17 New PC based integrated detection&parameter monitoring system for the DGFRS experiments has been designed and successfully applied in the 249 Bk+ 48 Ca  117+3,4n bombardment in the framework of Dubna-Livermore-Oak Ridge collaboration (PIPS-scenario A). We plan to parallelize present system with a new ORNL digital system (Pixie-16 standard) in a nearest future=November 2013(?). DSSSD application is a reasonable scenario too (2013-2014) (ORNL design, scenario B) Presentation 114, 116 party in Moscow scientific club, October 24, 2012

18 … When preparing this presentation ( 02.09.2013 ) good news come from GSI TASCA collaboration. PRL paper about Z=115 synthesis confirming DGFRS measured properties of 115 down to Db isotopes has now status /in print/ Paper confirming 3,4 n channels in Bk+Ca=117 reaction and confirming our properties too Is to be submitted to PRL in the nearest weeks- month. (preliminary) = LBNL (Berkeley, USA) performed experiment two months ago which also supported the DGFRS experiment for Z=115. Note, that according to the IUPAC rules Strongly only after independent confirmation experiment by the another Lab discovery of SHE is considered as completed!

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