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Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Agency Kickoff Meeting Tieton Canal Replacement Project June 16, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Agency Kickoff Meeting Tieton Canal Replacement Project June 16, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Agency Kickoff Meeting Tieton Canal Replacement Project June 16, 2015

2 Welcome and Introductions

3 Meeting Agenda 1.Purpose of the Meeting 1:00 – 2:00 2.Project Overview 3.Purpose and Need for the Project 4.Questions and Comments/ Break 5.Alignment Selection 2:00 – 3:30 6.Preliminary Environmental Issues 7.Questions and Comments 8.NEPA/SEPA and Next Steps 9.Optional Field Trip 3:30 – 5:00 Time

4 Purpose of this Meeting 1.Introduce the Proposed Project and Project Schedule 2.Review Preliminary Environmental Issues 3.Provide Opportunity for Early Agency/Stakeholder Input 4.Discuss NEPA/SEPA Lead Agencies and Next Steps

5 Project Overview – YTID Service Area Tieton Canal Cowiche Creek Water Exchange City of Yakima Ahtanum I.D

6 Project Overview The Tieton Canal… Location: 20 miles northwest of Yakima in Tieton River Canyon Length: 12 miles, including 3 miles of tunnels Operation: Non-stop from March through October Purpose: Supplies 28,000 acres of high-value agriculture Age: 106 years…well beyond normal life expectancy The canal must be replaced to ensure long-term reliability

7 Project Overview

8 Project Overview – YTID Service Area Tieton Canal Cowiche Creek Water Exchange City of Yakima Ahtanum I.D

9 Project Overview – Cowiche Creek Exchange

10 Project Overview Cowiche Creek Water Exchange 10-year effort by Ecology, Reclamation, NYCD, SRB, and YTID to restore steelhead habitat in Cowiche Creek Tieton River water is delivered to parcels holding Cowiche Creek Water Rights Phase 1: In 2014, YTID completed 2 turnouts that deliver 8 cfs Phase 2: Future phases could serve 52 additional parcels, 16 cfs

11 Project Overview - Summary YTID agriculture is vital to the Yakima Valley economy YTID generates $600 million in annual sales from fruit Most money stays local, supporting thousands of jobs YTID is strategically located to support environmental restoration in Cowiche Creek and Ahtanum Creek None of this is possible without YTID and the Tieton Canal

12 Purpose and Need for the Project Purpose: Replace the aging Tieton Canal Maintain reliable ag water deliveries for next 100 years Fulfill existing commitments to environmental restoration Create flexibility for future ag, environmental, municipal, and groundwater enhancements Need: Aging infrastructure has a history of failure Unstable hillside geology is high risk Improve access, reliability, and reduce O&M costs

13 Questions and Comments?

14 Canal Alignment Selection A CH2M HILL study was completed in October, 2013 Evaluated dozens of potential canal alignment configurations Recommended a preliminary, preferred alignment Estimated ballpark project costs and schedule Identified follow-up activities including this meeting

15 Canal Alignment Selection

16 Alignment Evaluation Criteria… Environmental (wetlands, endangered species, cultural and historical resources) Constructability (access, slopes, groundwater, impacts to YTID operations) O&M criteria (start-up, repairs, etc.) Cost

17 Canal Alignment Selection - Recommendations Upper 6-miles: Replace existing flume with new box culvert Lower 6-miles: Abandon existing flume. Install new pipeline near river

18 Canal Alignment Selection - Recommendations Upper 6-mile segment: Replace existing canal in its current location Avoids new right-of-way and some environmental impacts Requires winter construction Lower 6-mile segment: Move canal off hillside to river Avoids steep topography and winter construction Requires new right-of-way and environmental mitigation

19 Canal Alignment Selection – Upper 6-miles

20 Canal Alignment Selection – Lower 6-miles

21 Typical pipeline disturbance is 80 to 100 feet wide, 15 feet deep

22 Canal Alignment Selection Current Status of the Project: Preliminary, preferred alignment has been identified Planning and reconnaissance-level field investigations in progress Detailed environmental studies and engineering have not started Construction may be 5 to 10 years out, depending on funding

23 Preliminary Environmental Issues


25 Preliminary Environmental Issues – Landowners

26 Preliminary Environmental Issues Reconnaissance field investigations focused on lower 6-mile segment… Wetlands Shoreline encroachment Drainage and stream crossings Protected habitats and species Archaeology and cultural resources

27 Preliminary Environmental Issues Wetlands: Hillside seeps and drainage collect near toe of slope Wetland indicators: visible water and vegetation Wetland impacts occur where pipeline crosses toe of slope and low-lying areas near river Some wetland disturbance is unavoidable due to space constraints and topography A formal wetlands inventory will be conducted prior to SEPA/NEPA

28 Preliminary Environmental Issues - Wetlands Figure 2

29 Preliminary Environmental Issues - Wetlands Wet ground, dogwood, and aspen near toe of slope (Point P3)

30 Preliminary Environmental Issues Shoreline Encroachment… Occurs where steep topography precludes other options Occurs while mitigating other impacts such as wetlands and drainage crossings

31 Environmental Issues – Shoreline Encroachment Steep topography requires shoreline encroachment near Point P7

32 Preliminary Environmental Issues Drainage and Stream Crossings… Hillside runoff collects near toe of slope and drains to river Some drainage disturbance is unavoidable where pipeline crosses low-lying areas near the river A river crossing is proposed near P28 and P31 due to rugged topography south of the river Detailed jurisdictional delineation will be conducted prior to NEPA/SEPA

33 Preliminary Environmental – Stream Crossings Figure 4

34 Preliminary Environmental – Stream Crossings Stream crossing near Point P31 avoids steep rock outcrop

35 Preliminary Environmental Issues Yakima County list of protected habitats and species: Bull Trout Steelhead Grizzly bear Marbled murrelet and Northern Spotted owl Ute ladies’-tresses Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act Golden Eagle Protection Area Migratory Bird Treaty Act – protection of birds nesting in the area during construction

36 Preliminary Environmental Issues – Protected Species and Habitats Figure 5

37 NEPA/ SEPA SEPA Lead Agency – Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District NEPA Lead Agency – USBR

38 Next Steps – NEPA/ SEPA


40 Next Steps - NEPA/ SEPA YTID is requesting early input from agencies and stakeholders… fatal flaws and red flags required permits and approvals environmental mitigation requirements and cost construction timing limitations interest in guided field visits

41 Summary This project is important to YTID and the local economy Part of long-term planning and strategy for continued and future operations Project offers potential environmental benefits to tributaries and other features of the basin

42 Questions and Answers

43 Optional Field Trip

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