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A Story, A Story defenseless descendants tatter flamboyant furious.

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1 A Story, A Story defenseless descendants tatter flamboyant furious

2 defenseless – without protection, unguarded (p 108) Spider stories tell how small, defenseless men or animals outwit others and succeed against great odds. The hungry fox didnt see the defenseless ducklings across the pond. They were lucky because they couldnt have protected themselves.

3 descendants – children, grandchildren, and continuing generations of an original set of parents; those people sharing the same ancestors. Their descendants still tell some of these stories today. Grandfathers descendants all came to his birthday party, including his brand new grandchild.

4 tatter – tear, make ragged, rip Should you not fly into my calabash, so that the rain will not tatter your wings? We need to take down the flag before the strong winds tatter it into pieces.

5 flamboyant – overly colorful, showy appearance or behavior He set the little old doll at the foot of a flamboyant tree where fairies like to dance. Her flamboyant clothes and rainbow colored hair attracted everyones attention.

6 furious – very angry, violent Now the fairy was stuck to the gum baby with both hands, and she was furious. The man was furious when the passing car splashed mud on his suit.

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