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Eukaryotic chromosome compared to a prokaryotic one.

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Presentation on theme: "Eukaryotic chromosome compared to a prokaryotic one."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eukaryotic chromosome compared to a prokaryotic one.

2 DNA - Structure The structural subunit is a nucleotide. Each nucleotide is made of a phosphate, a sugar and a nitrogen base.

3 DNA Structure


5 DNA Replication



8 This image is from your text. If you can find the error in their illustration of DNA replication, you have a good understanding of the process.


10 New nucleotides added to the 3’ end of the new DNA strand.



13 DNA Replication Animation

14 DNA Replication New nucleotides are manufactured during the lag phase of the bacterial growth curve.

15 Thymine vs. Uracil

16 Protein Synthesis: transcription RNA polymerase

17 Transcription

18 tRNA structure


20 20 amino acids

21 Translation

22 Operon pg. 225 (pg. 229) mRNA binds here

23 Repressible Operon (pg. 225)

24 Repressible Operon Binds to Inactive Repressor Inactive Repressor

25 Repressible Operon

26 Inducible Operon (pg. 224)

27 Inducible Operon

28 Inducible Operon pg. 224

29 RNA Codons

30 Missense

31 Nonsense Mutation

32 Base Substitution

33 Frameshift

34 Viruses ch. 13

35 Virus Structure Protein Capsid Receptors

36 Enveloped Virus

37 Influenza Hemagglutinin: Receptor Site. Allows attachment to host cell. Neuraminidase. Enzyme, breaks down mucus, assists virus as it moves in and out of cell.

38 polyhedral complex helical enveloped

39 Lytic Cycle











50 Viruses ch. 13






56 Agriculture Transgenics On the Market Source: USDA Insect resistant cotton – Bt toxin kills the cotton boll worm transgene = Bt protein Insect resistant corn – Bt toxin kills the European corn borer transgene = Bt protein NormalTransgenic

57 Virus resistance - papya resistant to papaya ringspot virus transgene = virus coat protein Source: Monsanto Herbicide resistant crops Now: soybean, corn, canola Coming: sugarbeet, lettuce, strawberry alfalfa, potato, wheat transgene = modified EPSP synthase or phosphinothricin-N-acetyltransferase

58 Biotech chymosin; the enzyme used to curdle milk products transgene = genetically engineered enzyme bST; bovin somatotropin; used to increase milk production transgene = genetically engineered enzyme Source: Rent Mother Nature Source: Chr. Hansen

59 Next Generation of Ag Biotech Products Source: Minnesota Microscopy Society Golden Rice – increased Vitamin A content (but not without controversy) transgene = three pathway enzymes Sunflower – white mold resistance transgene = oxalate oxidase from wheat

60 Turfgrass – herbicide resistance; slower growing (= reduced mowing) Bio Steel – spider silk expressed in goats; used to make soft-body bullet proof vests (Nexia)

61 Environmental Applications Bioremediation - cleanup contaminated sites; uses microbes designed to degrade the pollution Indicator bacteria – contamination can be detected in the environment

62 Tooth decay – engineered Streptococcus mutans, the bacteria that destroys enamel Future Health-related Biotech Products Vaccines – herpes, hepatitis C, AIDS, malaria

63 Edible Vaccines Transgenic Plants Serving Human Health Needs Works like any vaccine A transgenic plant with a pathogen protein gene is developed Potato, banana, and tomato are targets Humans eat the plant The body produces antibodies against pathogen protein Humans are “immunized” against the pathogen Examples: Diarrhea Hepatitis B Measles

64 Prions

65 Long chain of abnormal prion chains starting to build.

66 Prions


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