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Buddy and the Kite Written and Illustrated By: Taylor Gaskins.

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Presentation on theme: "Buddy and the Kite Written and Illustrated By: Taylor Gaskins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Buddy and the Kite Written and Illustrated By: Taylor Gaskins

2 This is Buddy. Buddy likes to play in the park with his best friends, Sam and Katie.

3 One day, Buddy and his friends were playing soccer in the park. Sam kicked the soccer ball as hard as he could, and…

4 The ball bounced away into the trees!

5 Buddy ran into the trees to find the soccer ball.

6 Buddy found his soccer ball under a tree. As he looked up…

7 He saw…

8 A Kite!!!!! It was red, and blue, and green…. and really pretty!!!

9 Buddy r-e-a-c-h-e-d and s-t-r-e-c-h-e-d for the kite.

10 “Do you need help?” asked Katie. “NO!!” replied Buddy. “I can do this ALL BY MYSELF!”

11 Sam and Katie walked away, looking sad.

12 Buddy tried poking the kite with a stick. It didn’t work at all.

13 Buddy tried jumping up and down trying to get the kite. He was starting to run out of ideas…

14 Buddy tried standing on his soccer ball. “Uh-oh!” he cried. He felt the ball come out from under him with a WHOOSH!!!!

15 and sent Buddy flying!!!!!!!

16 Poor Buddy! He scraped his knee. Sam and Katie ran over to help.

17 “I’m sorry that I was so selfish. Would you please forgive me?” asked Buddy. “Of course!” replied Katie. “I’ve got an idea!” yelled Sam. He ran to his house as fast as he could!

18 Sam ran back to his friends, carrying something huge! “This is a ladder. My dad uses it to reach high places!” said Sam. Buddy climbed up on the ladder, reached for the kite, and…

19 grabbed the kite!!

20 The three friends played with the kite for the rest of the day.

21 (and stayed far away from the trees.) THE END!!!

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