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I believe in dancing. – Robert Fulghum, “Dancing all the dances”

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Presentation on theme: "I believe in dancing. – Robert Fulghum, “Dancing all the dances”"— Presentation transcript:

1 I believe in dancing. – Robert Fulghum, “Dancing all the dances”

2 I believe that what we receive we must share. – Elie Wiesel, “God is God because He remembers”

3 I believe in my duty to heal, […] that I must try to care for everyone. - Pius Kamau, “A Duty to Heal”

4 I believe that I have to do the right thing even when I really, really don’t feel like it. – Deidre Sullivan, “Always go to the funeral”

5 I believe in my mother. – Benjamin Carson, “There is no job more important than parenting”

6 I believe our capacity to tolerate both religious and personal difference is what will ultimately give us true liberty. – Joel Engardio, “Learning True Tolerance”

7 I believe I must guard against my own potential for brutality and the mutation of my own humanity. – Yinong Young-Xu, “A Potential for Brutality”

8 I believe in telling children the truth. – Martha Leathe, “Telling Kids the Whole Truth”

9 – I believe that to love, and to bare the boundless depth of our love, we must have the courage to reshape what we inherit. – Priya Chandrasekaran, “Cutting Our Grandmothers’ Saris”

10 I believe that those sound waves carry the borning cry of the cosmos. That a whisper from God’s lips created all that is and all that was and all that will be, and that that whisper set it into motion in a cataclysm so great that 14-billion years later those sound waves still echoes through a world without end. - Kimberly Woodbury, “We are All Stardust”

11 I believe that…

12 How has your belief been created, shaped, or tested by your experiences?

13 Creed A statement of belief A statement of belief

14 Creed What does “cred” mean before a word? What does “cred” mean before a word?

15 Creeds – Types and examples Apostle’s Creed (Christian tradition) Apostle’s Creed (Christian tradition) –I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth... Maker of heaven and earth...

16 Creeds – Types and examples Shema (Jewish tradition) Shema (Jewish tradition) –Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one the LORD is one

17 Creeds – Types and examples Shahada (Muslim tradition) Shahada (Muslim tradition) –I bear witness that there is no god but God, and that Muhammad is His messenger

18 Personal Essay Differs from memoir and narrative essay Differs from memoir and narrative essay Narrative tells a story Narrative tells a story Memoir tells of a relationship Memoir tells of a relationship

19 This I Believe

20 Activities Belief statements Belief statements Quotations Quotations

21 Listen

22 Assignment: Go to this site: Go to this site: Explore what “This I Believe” is all about Explore what “This I Believe” is all about Choose an essay to read Choose an essay to read

23 Assignment: Your essay choices : Your essay choices : “Our Noble, Essential Decency” “Our Noble, Essential Decency” “We are all Stardust” “We are all Stardust” “Be Cool to the Pizza Delivery Dude” “Be Cool to the Pizza Delivery Dude” “Seeing with the Heart” “Seeing with the Heart” “Accomplishing Big Things in Small Pieces” “Accomplishing Big Things in Small Pieces”

24 Assignment: Then find another essay somewhere in the site and read that one. Then find another essay somewhere in the site and read that one. Print it out and annotate for: Print it out and annotate for: –Structure (organization and focus) –Diction and syntax –Message –Audience –purpose

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