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Present & Promote Tanisha Davy. Who Am I..? I am an animator studying at Bedforshire University and my overall goal is to become a director/producer and.

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Presentation on theme: "Present & Promote Tanisha Davy. Who Am I..? I am an animator studying at Bedforshire University and my overall goal is to become a director/producer and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Present & Promote Tanisha Davy

2 Who Am I..? I am an animator studying at Bedforshire University and my overall goal is to become a director/producer and to have my own animated show. My interest in animation started off from a love of anime and since then have grown into a career path. I plan on promoting myself via social networking sights mainly YouTube by having my own channels and also having my own website set up.

3 My research process I started of by researching what are the different ways that I could promote myself when I go into my professional practice. - Creating a website -Business card -Social media Facebook/Twitter/ Instagram -YouTube channels -controversy -News Papers -Networking

4 Setting up my website I started thinking about how my website that I am creating is going to be presented e.g. colour schemes, format… so I begun researching the websites of Art & Designers to get an idea of how mine should look.

5 Website research I looked at the websites for Amandaine Alessandra and ThePoundShop’s, two designers I was introduced to through Industry Fridays, they both have links to individual pages and still contain a lot of information on their home pages.

6 Animator Pendleton Ward I looked up the website of the creator of ‘Adventure Time’ Pendleton Ward, one of my favorite animated shows.

7 Website research Other animator websites… Luiz Stockler TeamFourStar Ng’endo Mukii

8 Website research From the visual research I gathered I got an idea of what I wanted my website to look like. I wanted to use attention grabbing neon colours like pink, green, blue and orange like what was done for ThePoundShops website because this is how I feel best represents my personality and the type of work I plan to feature on my website.

9 Website research I used Photoshop to create different templates using my bright colour scheme but in the end they all looked a mess and did not come together the way I imagined in my head. I realised I had too much going on especially for the initial stages so I decided to strip it back and keep it looking professional for the time being after my workshops I will work on incorporating colour.

10 My Website Template

11 My websites name I chose to name my website… it’s wordplay on my name with animation which is cheesy but it sticks and is easy to remember.

12 Logo When doing little sketches or doodles I always draw the same character and decided to use this as my Logo. I chose to have a logo based on the research I have done on business which states that it is an important part of branding your company.

13 Collaboration I was originally going to just download fonts from the internet to use for my website but then I decided to reach out to a graphic design student Kofi to collaborate with on making some new and exciting typography to use.

14 Here are some ideas he came up with. The first one is having the pencil Write my name as the website opens and another is having stick men Jump from letter to letter.

15 Business Cards I designed a template as well for my business card based off my website template, having vital information on their being my website address, email address and contact number and also having my logo on the back of the card.

16 Front/Back view

17 Materials When I started thinking of business cards I remembered an Industry Friday talk by the paper company GFSmith, I started looking through the different paper samples I collected from the seminar and found a paper I would like to print my business card on. Its names STRATHMORE GRANDEE Natural, 216gsm FOIL BLOCKING API Hazy Gold.

18 YouTube Channel I’ve already created my own YouTube channel where I post my videos but that is mainly because of my blog. I plan on having YouTube as my main base of promoting my work, I plan on creating my own mini series and posting character designs I come up with on there. ZWL9njDyfaqfyx88w

19 YouTube Research Animation Domination Sick Animation TeamFourStarEgoraptor

20 Social Media I also plan on creating facebook/ twitter/ Instagram accounts relating to my Youtube channels as it is a good way of networking with other designers to organise collaborations and get feedback on my work.

21 Controversy A good way to get noticed especially on the internet is being somewhat controversial. When I was studying photography I would focus on themes of sex and religion in my photographs which I strategically done so I could stand out and be more daring. I do have a lot of adult themes in the ideas I come up with for my animations so it may come across as controversial but I don’t plan on going out of my way to gain attention from it.

22 Promotion The approach I plan on taking is getting myself noticed by building a successful YouTube channel and having a professional website that is able to support this, to make connections and be able to network with other personalities and designers so that I have a strong and diverse body of work to help me build my team so that I can one day go on to be able to direct and produce my own show.

23 Bibliography               

24 Thank You

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