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Guidance for Completing Aimsweb License Requests 2015 - 2016 MTSS Coordinator, SDE August, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Guidance for Completing Aimsweb License Requests 2015 - 2016 MTSS Coordinator, SDE August, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guidance for Completing Aimsweb License Requests 2015 - 2016 MTSS Coordinator, SDE August, 2015

2 Where do I find the application? Click on Programs

3 Where do I find the application? Click on Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

4 Where do I find the application? Click on AIMSWeb

5 Where do I find the application? Click on Aimsweb License Request 2015 – 2016.

6 Where can I get my request form? Aimsweb License Request 2015 - 2016

7 Filling out the application








15 Step 7: Filling out the application Please return by September 21, 2015 to: Betsy Bearden Idaho Department of Education P. O. Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0027 Fax 208-334-2228 Questions? Betsy Bearden at 208-332-6911 or

16 Common Questions A “license” is only counted as being used when 2015- 2016 data has been entered in for a child, not historical data. Each child will have their own unique I.D. (whether screening or progress monitoring). We have the same number of licenses to award this year as last year. The amount of licenses awarded to your district is at no cost to the district. If a district goes over their allotted amount awarded to them by the state, the district would be responsible for accrued cost and would need to pay Pearson directly.

17 Common Questions Continued... Additional licenses may be purchased by contacting Pearson directly. District Manager will be in charge of promoting all students to the next grade level. Last year's usernames and passwords have not been deleted or changed. The district manager is given rights to do this for the district. If the manager has forgotten their password, then email Betsy for new passwords or if the password needs reset. The customer ID number is still 5112 The PowerPoint is available on the state website under the RTI link.

18 In Closing… 1.Set up a time to talk with administration to decide if more licenses need to be purchased? If so work together to come up with a plan to avoid students slipping through the cracks. 2.Reminder licenses must be used for identified At-Risk, Title I or Special Education Students. 3.Trainings can be found in the following places: Archived on the SDE site “How To” manuals located on the AIMSweb site Connect with other districts Recommendation is for districts to put on their own trainings, as a refresher and to support new staff

19 Thank you! Betsy Bearden Idaho State Department of Education 208-332-6911

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