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EDTC 6340 Project 3 Rosemary Roberts University of Texas at Brownsville Educational.

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Presentation on theme: "EDTC 6340 Project 3 Rosemary Roberts University of Texas at Brownsville Educational."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDTC 6340 Project 3 Rosemary Roberts University of Texas at Brownsville Educational

2 For the first time in history, educators are preparing students for careers that do not yet exist.

3 Careers that require 21 st century skills

4 21 st Century Skills  Think Globally  Work together  Work independently  Think of others first  Research, Evaluate, Create  Communicate Effectively  Set Goals

5 Do these skills sound new to you? They’re Not!

6 Jesus said the very same things in the 1 st century.

7 ”Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation. “ Mark 16:15 (American Standard Version) Think Globally Communicate Effectively

8 The Disciples practiced it.

9 All the believers were united in heart and mind. And they felt that what they owned was not their own, so they shared everything they had. Acts 4:32 (New Living Translation) Work together Think of others

10 The skills are not new. The tools for completing the job are new.

11 Digital technology allows us to reach the world instantly

12 Our students are comfortable with this technology because they have grown up with it.

13 Educators are sometimes uncomfortable with it because it is foreign to them.

14 Digital Divide Digital Immigrants Digital natives VS

15 Digital Immigrants Are you a “Digital Immigrant”? When you were young…

16 Did your game system look like this?

17 Did your music come from this?

18 Did your college papers come from this?

19 Did research look like this?

20 Does your classroom look like this?

21 If so you are a “digital immigrant”. Painfully slow to watch, wasn’t it?

22 That’s how digital natives feel in your classroom.

23 That’s why the natives are restless.

24 Digital Immigrant Ideas  Do it right the first time  A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush  Save for a rainy day  Work first; play later  Work Quietly  Work Independently

25 Digital Natives Have been socially conditioned by technology Our children today are being socialized in a way that is vastly different from their parents. The numbers are overwhelming.

26 Total Media Exposure The average 8-18 year old spends a total of 10 hours and 45 minutes with media each day.

27 Daily video game time 1 hour and 13 minutes Students spend over 10,000 hours playing videogames by the time they go to college (Prensky, 2001)

28 Television Today 71% of all 8- to 18- year-olds have their own TV in their room. By 18 students have spent over 20,000 hours watching TV over 500,000 commercials Prensky, 2001

29 ITunes 10 Billionth download Time spent with Music/audio 2hours :31 minutes a day

30 Carry libraries in their pockets

31 Use cell phones to text, talk, photograph, check email, surf the net By 18 years over 200,000 emails and instant messages sent and received over 10,000 hours talking on digital cell phones

32 Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives Learn Differently

33 Learning Divide Digital ImmigrantsDigital Natives Learn Sequentially Like to parallel process and multi-task

34 Learning Divide Digital ImmigrantsDigital Natives Learn slowly Prefer receiving information really fast

35 Learning Divide Digital ImmigrantsDigital Natives Take their work seriously prefer games to “serious” work

36 Learning Divide Digital ImmigrantsDigital Natives Study quietly Study With Noise

37 Learning Divide Digital Immigrants Digital Natives Singularly focused prefer random access (like hypertext)

38 Learning Divide Digital ImmigrantsDigital Natives Gather facts from text prefer their graphics before their text Angry

39 Learning Divide Digital ImmigrantsDigital Natives Evaluate with cumulative tests thrive on instant gratification and frequent rewards

40 Digital Natives

41 Need Need Choices

42 How can immigrants and natives come together?

43 Alternative Assessment Using real world activities

44 Collaborative Activities Among Teachers, Administrators, Students, & Families

45 Digital Stories Art, Language Arts, Science, History…

46 Multi-media Presentations Parent Teacher Fellowships, Promotion, Ethnography, Professional Development

47 Effective Communication Across the hall and around the world

48 Global Opportunities

49 Using the internet To partner with ACSI International Schools

50 First Baptist School Equipping Teachers and Students to effectively communicate to the world

51 Technology Mission Statement 2010 The technology staff will equip teachers and students in the skills necessary to use technology to research, collaborate, create, demonstrate, and communicate ideas using 21st century mediums while practicing digital citizenship and principles of media literacy.

52 Sources Text Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. Retrieved on June 10, 2010 from %20Digital%20Natives,%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdf. %20Digital%20Natives,%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdf American Standard Bible. Retrieved on June 20, 2010 from New Living Translation. Retrieved on June 20, 2010 from Music Din Din Wo (Little Child).wma. Sample music from Microsoft Office.

53 Images World web content/themes/alianzo_en/images/blog_wiki.png content/themes/alianzo_en/images/blog_wiki.png Pac Man Record Player Type Writer Library Classroom Web 2.0 Tools media-types.jpg media-types.jpg Girl/ Video Boy/TV IPOD/Buds Books MP3 Phone/text

54 Chess men Sequence Orange Man Rubik’s Cube Levitating Apps Reading Girl Group Work groupwork_tcm4-419023.png Paper Weight Oregon Trail Book/Buds Sequence Mad Cat BllTP7C8rNw/s512/15088_orange_employee_multitasking_ while_operating_four_laptop_computers_at_two_different_ desks_in_an_office.jpg

55 T/F Mario App Choices Enlightened Brain Portfolio portfolio_2_(Flickr).jpg/95568492/E-portfolio_2_(Flickr).jpg portfolio_2_(Flickr).jpg/95568492/E-portfolio_2_(Flickr).jpg Wiki Camera camera2.jpg camera2.jpg Slide Show screen shot Communication ACSI Logo

56 ”Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation. “ Mark 16:15 (American Standard Version)

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