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Housing Related Support for Older People Provider Meeting Agenda Time Subject 9.30Introductions 9.45Strategic Overview: »Strategic review of older peoples.

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Presentation on theme: "Housing Related Support for Older People Provider Meeting Agenda Time Subject 9.30Introductions 9.45Strategic Overview: »Strategic review of older peoples."— Presentation transcript:

1 Housing Related Support for Older People Provider Meeting Agenda Time Subject 9.30Introductions 9.45Strategic Overview: »Strategic review of older peoples housing related support services »Assistive technology 10.05Service models and co-dependencies: »Support »Alarm »Response 10.30Procurement Timetable Break 11.15Mapping Information »Feedback/summary of current provision 11.35Discussion points: »What outcomes should future services focus on? »Comments on service models? »Dependencies, risks and ways forward »Understanding services costs 12.00Information for service users 12.15Q&A

2 Housing related support for older people Strategic review – March 2011 Tracey Montgomery

3 Key Drivers Personalisation Increase in number of older people Flexibility of service options Promoting independence Value for money Prevention and early intervention

4 Review outcomes: what do we need in the future? Efficient and cost effective service Models to meet growing and changing demand: –Flexibility –Range of options –Outcome focused Optimise the use of technology Services based on need and not tenure Equitable distribution of services across the County Covering all older people, including BME communities and people with dementia

5 Review outcomes: recommendations Recommendation 1 Commission a combination of accommodation based services and floating support services on a hub and spoke service delivery model, offering a menu of services Recommendation 3 Commission one countywide community alarm and telecare/assistive technology call centre

6 Recommendation 5 Explore how personal budgets can be introduced to housing related support Recommendation 6 promote access to training for support workers on dementia Recommendation 7 Improve information and access to services and their quality

7 Assisted Technology David Stanton

8 Leicestershires Assistive Technology Strategy: In 2010 the authority and NHS Leicestershire and Rutland agreed The Assistive Technology; a strategy to promote, integrate and implement Telecare in Leicestershire (2010) as a cost-effective method of meeting the care and health needs of Leicestershires growing population of older and disabled people.

9 Leicestershire Assistive Technology Strategy Assistive technology helps people maintain their independence by enabling them to remain at home and also reduces the need for people to receive ongoing social care funded support, ensuring that longer term services are targeted at people with higher support needs. The Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) 2010/11 to 2013/14 sets out efficiency targets to be achieved against this investment.

10 Leicestershire Assistive Technology Strategy The MTFS 2011/12–2014/15 sets out that the Department will increase the number of service users helped to live at home through the use of assistive technology in order to enable people to live more independently for longer and reduce the costs of care and support.

11 The Vision To mainstream the use of Telecare in Leicestershire for : Short term Reablement & Assessment Preventative services Ongoing Social Care Support A single countywide Community Alarm Telecare service

12 Assistive Technology Team A specialist project team to support the assessment for and provision of- Stand Alone Technology Integrated Community alarm and Telecare Solutions

13 Phase One Procurement of a Countywide Community Alarm telecare service: Short term contract Monitoring and Responder service Service shaping Social Care Reablement

14 Phase One Features of the service: Rapid response Integration with Social Care Reablement Installation and Configuration Countywide responder service

15 The Benefits Privacy and dignity Independence Positive risk taking Choice and Control Ongoing support

16 Community Alarms – Phase 2 Carol Stanyard

17 Vision Reduce from the current 5 call centres to 1 call centre Call centre can be based anywhere in the country Approximate transfer of 10,000 connections This will include dispersed alarms and those in sheltered schemes

18 Vision It is the intention to separate out the responder service from the alarm monitoring service Proposed transition of connections will be over a 6 month period, October 2012 to April 2013 The challenge will be to transfer information about 10,000 connections and update any changes prior to contract start date.

19 Housing Related Support. Sharon Aiken

20 Vision One contract per area based on District and Borough boundaries. More flexible model of support, reaching more older people who need housing support to maintain their independence. Hub and spoke and more floating support Outcome based specification

21 To make this happen Transitional period within contract. Contract 3 years +1+1 to enable; Outcomes to be met fully Eg Move to support people within the wider community who need support. To only providing people with support who have been assessed as needing it.

22 The challenge Use existing funds more effectively and efficiently. To link this support to ASC prevention agenda and alarm and response service. To consider contributions made by tenants. To support tenants to manage any changes they maybe concerned about

23 Timetable Previous contract start date was the 1.1.13 proposed that this will now be put back to the 1 st April 2013 Draft timescale for tender as follows; April 2012 Explore opportunities for collaboratively commissioning additional requirements with District Councils, e.g. co-dependencies such as out of hours housing repairs, CCTV

24 Timetable Adverts approved and published by ESPO. Tender sent out to bidders in May 2012. Deadline for receipt of tenders by mid July 2012 Evaluation of the bids mid July to mid August 2012 Presentations or clarification meetings with bidders if necessary end of August 2012

25 Timetable Finalise Contract Award mid to end of September 2012 Transition period October 2012 – end of March 2012

26 Mapping- key Points Alarm Equipment and System- Some fit for purpose others not Various names for housing officers who go off site but basically the same and this is predominantly based on adjacent dispersed schemes e.g. bungalows. Some have a mobile response service others havent Some provide an alarm and call centre to Private lifeline users, not part of procurement but might impact

27 There has been a more evolutionary process since these services have not been through a full open tender. Services are predominantly based on sheltered housing schemes and have –Different staffing levels –Different unit prices –Different budgets per area. Mix of Sheltered Housing Providers, –Based on district and council transfer of stock - 7 –Smaller providers – 12

28 Other data needed Alarms dispersed and within schemes For tender Equipment name IT operating system Numbers of hardwire and dispersed per provider. (We have some info but incomplete). For transition We need above and actual location, name and address of user

29 Response To scope the service we need to understand currently what type of calls are responded to and how many per month/year. Support Tenancy agreements – can be a requirement that support is provided but shouldnt specify the provider

30 Main Co dependencies Alarms Some have add-ons like CCTV or out of hours repairs reporting linked to call centre. We may be able to include this with this procurement process Some providers also deliver Private alarm services through existing call centres

31 Some Registered Housing Providers have sheltered housing schemes in more than one area. See map. As there is one support contract per area bidders will need to consider how to cover all support per area within their bids. We need to know if any landlords are not seeking funding*. Information by the end of March*

32 Tenure within Leicestershire People aged 55-64 People aged 65-74 People aged 75-84 People aged 85 and over Owned88.9984.2774.2466.49 Rented from council6.0810.1916.7119.45 Other social rented1.101.612.604.02 Private rented or living rent free 3.833.926.4510.05

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