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Epic Notes EpicEpic: A long narrative poem about a national or legendary hero –Iliad: Fall of Troy –Odyssey: Odysseus’ trip home HomerHomer: Blind poet,

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Presentation on theme: "Epic Notes EpicEpic: A long narrative poem about a national or legendary hero –Iliad: Fall of Troy –Odyssey: Odysseus’ trip home HomerHomer: Blind poet,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Epic Notes EpicEpic: A long narrative poem about a national or legendary hero –Iliad: Fall of Troy –Odyssey: Odysseus’ trip home HomerHomer: Blind poet, lived between 900 and 700 BCE

2 …but there’s no TV!! RhapsodesRhapsodes: Traveling poets –Part memory –Part improvised MusesMuses: 9 goddesses who preside over song and literature. Called upon for inspiration

3 The Odyssey Odyssey: 24 books long; 3 main plot strands 1.Ithaca without Odysseus 2.Odysseus’ travels following the war 3.Odysseus returns home to family

4 Epic Conventions Epic conventions: qualities, traits and common devices of a traditional epic 1.Epic Hero: person of national or international importance and/or legendary significance. 1.No super powers; must rely on intelligence 2.Faithful to family, country, and god/gods 3.Feels fear, but overcomes it to defeat evil

5 Epic Conventions cont… 2.Intervention of superhuman forces (ie: gods, angels, demons, etc.) 3.Opens “in media res” (in the middle of things) filling in necessary information later 4.Lengthy speeches by main characters 5.Epic similes: elaborate, extended simile which runs for several lines

6 Epic Conventions cont… 6.Epithets: a word or phrase used to characterize a person or thing 7.Repetition of passages (a memorization aid) 8.Digressions: a temporary deviation from the plot (helps to fill in prior story line)

7 The Odyssey as Myth Mythos –Greek for plot, story, or legend Myth does NOT mean an untrue story! Has serious moral implications Captures the human experience Culture building stories

8 The Hero’s Journey Joseph Campbell Exemplifies life –Collective Unconscious –Comparing Religions –Looking at Literature Throughout History Archetypes: the quintessential –The Wise Old Man –The Innocent Youth –The Hero

9 Between the Known and the Unknown

10 Literature in Cycles Northrop Frye A cycle of five: –Mythos –Romantic –High Mimetic –Low Mimetic –Irony

11 The Common Human Experience and Literature

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