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4/9/07 BR- What does it mean to have an “Achilles’ heel?” Today: “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts…” Understanding the Trojan War.

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Presentation on theme: "4/9/07 BR- What does it mean to have an “Achilles’ heel?” Today: “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts…” Understanding the Trojan War."— Presentation transcript:

1 4/9/07 BR- What does it mean to have an “Achilles’ heel?” Today: “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts…” Understanding the Trojan War

2 Vocabulary Bonus Points: From now to the end of the year, be the first to use a vocabulary word from the chapter (any chapter) correctly and get 2 points. Limit one per class period All assignments (check snapgrades) must be handed in by the end of the day on Tuesday, April 10.

3 Chapter 5: The Trojan War Read it for free on line at http://cla mer/iliad.html. http://cla mer/iliad.html

4 Trojan War: Basics - The full story is told in three epic poems: Iliad (Homer) – the war Odyssey (Homer) – Odysseus’ trip home Aeneid (Virgil) – refugees of Troy hound Rome - Land of Troy was known as Ilium. -The “war” was essentially a 10 year siege. There are tons of side stories in the full version of the Iliad.

5 More Basics: -There are lots of different “causes” for the war. Including trade and regional power struggles based on Agamemnon’s quest to control the area. -Many lessons, phrases, and allusions connect to later in history and even to modern society.


7 Key Players: Aphrodite Paris Helen Menelaus Agamemnon Hector Odysseus Achilles Priam Ajax Patroclus

8 Assignment: Due tomorrow! 55 points Create a movie poster for your version of the Trojan War (not the cruddy Hollywood version with Brad Pitt.) Can be on regular paper but make it creative, colorful Some suggested themes: The capture of Helen (causes of the war), Menelaus and Agamemnon go to war, the city of Troy, Achilles fights and defeats Hector, the Trojan horse, the death of Achilles This assignment and powerpoint are at web site!

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