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Published byBeverly Beasley Modified over 9 years ago
CS 113 Academic Strategies Unit 6 ~ Week 6 Academic Writing 1
How is your week going? Any news to share? …………… 2
The Importance of a Degree What is a Degree Worth?? 3
Review of Unit 5… Reading Strategies and Methods Improve your Vocabulary 4
Remember that To-Do List! Write it down – take the worry out of it! To-Do lists and Calendars are great methods! Template for To-Do lists at Mindtools Website: Veedid Desktop To Do list: 5
REMEMBER… ACADEMIC TOOLS Dropbox Procedure = Dropbox Guide Grading Comments = Gradebook Guide Library Link ** Plagiarism Info Math Center Link & Info ** Many Writing Center Links & Info ** ** = See next page for alternative entry methods 6
Remember: Alternatives When Links Not Active 7 If links are not yet working under Academic Tools, remember the alternative methods of accessing these important areas: Writing Center and Math Center: Go to “Academic Support Center” through “My Studies” tab in the toolbar at the top of your home page. Academic Support Center is also available through Quick Links area to the right of your home page. Library: Available through “My Studies” tab in the toolbar at the top of your home page, as well as through Quick Links area to the right of your home page. Career Resources: Available through “University Info” tab in the toolbar at top of home page, and through the Quick Links area to the right of your home page. One more important area: Clubs, Professional Organizations, and Honor Societies = You can find these and the Student Store through “Student Life” link through the “Community Center” tab in the toolbar at the top of your home page.
What is Due for Unit 6??? Discussion Question and Participation Assignment to the Dropbox Anti-Plagiarism Quiz 8
Discussion Describe some of the main challenges you face as a writer and explain how you plan to help yourself overcome these challenges. If you need ideas for your initial answer, revisit "The Writing Process" in the Reading. Incorporate unit concepts – use “According to…” to tie it together. 9
“According to…” Now let’s remember to add… “According to…” For example: “According to the Unit 3 reading, eustress is…” 10
CLASS MOTTO PEPO power!! Strive to be a PEPO Practitioner and Win!! –Post Early, Post Often –Plan Early, Plan Often –Prepare Early, Prepare Often –Proactive Early, Proactive Often –Practice Early, Practice Often 11
Assignment Template to complete: YourName-Unit6-AcademicWriting One paragraph only for each area (minimum of five sentence each): – Person who has influenced you in positive ways – Advantages and disadvantages of taking online classes Be sure to refer to the Paragraph Structure chart located at the end of the Unit 6 Reading 12
Paragraph Structure 13
Assignment Naming Convention Hint: Don’t forget to rename the document as YourName-Unit6-AcademicWriting i.e. LindaWatson-Unit6-AcademicWrting 14
TAKE THE QUIZ! In line with this information on plagiarism, you also have the Plagiarism Quiz to take this week. It needs to be completed for grading prior to the end of the week. 15
Anti-Plagiarism Quiz Multiple choice and True or False. Don’t forget to take this before the end of the unit! 16
Any Questions????? 17
LOOKING FOR THAT A? DQ Grading Based on the Grading Rubric in the Syllabus, this is the breakdown reflected in the Discussion grades: 35/35 = Quality/Content, Clarity including Spelling & References, Professional 15/15 = Participation (responding to answers of at least 2 others, posting by Sat., post at least 3 different days, minimum word count) 50/50 18
19 UNIT 6 Academic Writing Assignment Specific Grading Breakdown NOTE: Your numeric score and the instructor's reflective comments are based on the standards which are listed in the assignment/project grading rubric found in the course syllabus. These standards include Content, Analysis, and Style (grammar, spelling, sentence structure). Quantitative analysis: point structure of possible points Paragraph #1 (must be on the given topic): topic sentence 30.0 Supporting sentences and details Concluding sentence Paragraph #2 (must be on the given topic): topic sentence 30.0 Supporting sentences and details Concluding sentence Style (spelling, grammar, sentence structure) worth 20% as outlined in assignment/project grading rubric in the syllabus Total points60.0
Be Sure to Proof Your Work… Small Mistakes Add Up Remember these tips for greater success on the discussion board and on your assignments: Be sure to double check your work. Did you answer **all** components of a question…? Use spell, grammar, and punctuation checks. Writing errors cost points! Spell check tools are great, but you also need to proofread your work. 20
A Look Ahead… Next week, we will begin reviewing the Assignment due by the end of Unit 8. You might want to practice PEPO and get an idea of what it is all about… 21 The Unit 7 Assignment…
Onward and Upward! Ok. Let’s move on to the other topics for this week based on the Unit 6 readings. Ok. Let’s move on to the other topics for this week based on the Unit 6 readings. 22
Writing, Writing, Writing! This can be a very important area particularly since it is important that we can effectively communicate both verbally and in written form. Also always, always, always use a spell check, as well as proofread your work. Having misspelled words or poor grammar and punctuation may have an impact on your message, especially in the professional and educational areas. ;-) Coupon ~ Coupon! 3 Bonus Pts. for Units 6-8 DQ or Assignment. ( Not to exceed 50 -60 pts., respectively.) Expires: May 24, 2011 23
The Three Major Audiences Based on our readings this week, there are three major audiences we should be aware of when preparing our writing. What are the three? 24
The Audiences The lay audience, the managerial audience, and the expert audience. You should try to tailor your work toward the appropriate audience. You will want to remember the lay audience probably doesn’t know much about your topic, and you probably won’t want to use too much technical jargon on them. 25
The Expert and Management Audience On the other hand, the expert audience does know much about your topic and you can go ahead and use the technical jargon for them. The managerial audience wants to know more about how your information applies to them or their business. 26
The Writing Process Can you name the four stages of the Writing Process? 27
The Writing Process (cont.) Prewriting Drafting Revising Editing 28
Sentence Structure Sentences should have one or two ideas only. You then start a new sentence. I am sometimes amazed at the long sentences I see. If you use appropriate punctuation, it will get your ideas across more clearly. At the end of each one or two thoughts or ideas, you will want to use a period to show you are now adding a new thought or “switching gears.” Commas are routinely used to show a pause in the thought – a typical way of showing you take a breath at that point when you are reading out loud. ;-) 29
Sentence Structure The Spelling and Grammar feature will be an aid here but it will only work if you don’t have too many run- on ideas. If you have an entire paragraph made up of one sentence when it should be four or five separate sentences, the Spelling and Grammar feature may not catch all of these ideas. I realize some of you know these points well but a little refresher will be good, don’t you think? 30
Punctuation Tip When you use quotation marks, the punctuation marks always go inside the quotation marks. Examples: John F. Kennedy said, “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” Notice the period at the end of the sentence goes inside the quotation mark. He asked, “What is the Fiddle Theory anyway?” The question mark goes inside the quotation mark. 31
‘Synonyms’ Feature In WORD, place the cursor on a word that you would like to find a synonym for. Right click and a column of commands will appear. Go down near the bottom of the column to ‘synonyms’ and place the cursor over synonyms. A list of synonyms will appear. If you click on one of the synonyms, it will appear in place of the original word. ‘Synonyms’ is an excellent tool! 32
‘Synonyms’ Feature (cont.) Complexity 33
Writing, Anyone? Are there any would-be writers in class - or “wannabes?” ;-) I have noticed some very skilled writers on the board. This type of information will help you even if you are somewhat versed in writing. You can even “wow” your friends and relatives with your good writing skills. How many of you routinely correspond with friends or relatives? Do you primarily use email or traditional snail mail? 34
Writing Tips for Academics When you write papers and some assignments, always write in a more formal, informative style versus conversational style writing. Conversational style writing is more "folksy," as I am writing here now, than being informational. College level, scholarly type writing's main purpose is to give information, not the "folksy" or "chummy" kind of writing between two friends. Avoid lower case “i” writing at all costs! ;-) 35
How to Write… If You are Uptight! How many of you have problems composing and writing something? Here’s a tip to help you with composing and writing something - pretend your best friend is sitting across from you and you are going to explain something to him or her. Practice writing as though you are talking to someone. Try it! You will find it will help you out a lot! 36
But First… Word of the Week… (3 points to the lucky winner!) Ground Rules… The first one typing in the definition wins! You can go on a field trip to an online dictionary such as or provide it from knowledge… 37
Ready??? OK… On your mark, get set, GO! 38
Word of the Week (3 points to the lucky winner!) Perspicacious 39
Read It Over There is much valuable information in the Reading this week. Be sure to study it over and let me know if you have any questions. If you will practice these tips, you will be far ahead in no time. A year from now, you will look back at some of your work and see how greatly you have improved. 40
Writing Center Keep in mind that the Writing Center has a ton of valuable information and helps for you relative to Writing as well as plagiarism issues. It can be found from your home page ~ the top of the page under the “My Studies” tab. Select “Academic Support Center,” then Writing Center… Remember, links are also through the ‘Quick Links’ area on the right side of your home page. They will also be available through the Academic Tools page in each unit ~ may already be in place. 41
Writing Center What specific areas can the Writing Center offer you? 42
Writing Center There are live tutors available for you to chat with, you can submit a question to a tutor, you can check out the wealth of writing information through the writing reference library. You can even submit a paper to the Writing Center for them to review and provide feedback. They won’t grade the paper, but you can get valuable help there. Keep in mind, you’ll want to submit any paper to them early so that you have time for them to return it to you before the assignment is due in class. So it takes planning. Remember that To- Do list to keep you on track. ;-) 43
The Writing Center Information on plagiarism Information on effective writing –Sentence structure –Run-on sentences –Sentence fragments –Spelling –Punctuation –English as a Second Language And much, much more…! 44
Any questions? 45
PLAGIARISM Moving on to the issue of plagiarism… How many of you were aware of plagiarism before your Kaplan days? 46
PLAGIARISM Sometimes though people don't understand exactly what it means to plagiarize. The biggest thing about plagiarism is taking someone else’s ideas and representing them as though they were your own. **** Give Credit where Credit is due! **** If you lift a complete sentence, phrase or idea, you should use quotation marks and state where you got this information. 47
PLAGIARISM How would you feel if you came up with a great new idea for work and someone else stole that idea and said it was their own? You would probably feel horrible and betrayed. But it happens! There are even professional writers (such as from the New York Times) that have been found guilty of plagiarism… 48
How to Avoid Plagiarism APA style writing will help you learn how to correctly give that credit to the original writer. You will find it is a very easy and convenient way to write. There is also much information about APA available through The Writing Center. We want to avoid any type of plagiarism in our writing! You should also **** never **** use an assignment from another class when submitting your work, or from unit to unit. Your work should be original. 49
Example of APA Citing According to the Fiddle Theory, Robert Ringer states that if you “fiddle” around with something long enough, it is bound to go wrong (Ringer, 1974). Why? Because you are allowing more time for any adverse action to occur. Reference: Ringer, R. (1974). Winning Through Intimidation. NY: Fawcett Books. 50
PLAGIARISM Did you know there are Web sites where educators can routinely submit student work to verify whether there is any plagiarism? It is amazing how quickly some of these sites can search through multiple areas! Unfortunately, it is sad to see the students – and professional writers – who sometimes do plagiarize. It really bothers me to see anyone involved in this activity. 51
Case History: Carmen Based on the case history in this week’s unit, let’s move on to Carmen… It sounds like Carmen really wants to move ahead but needs to commit to better time management… 53
Case Study After graduating high school, Carmen found a job as a receptionist for an accounting office. Six years later she was still working at the same job with only a small salary increase. Most of her co-workers either have a college degree or are attending a university to complete their degree. Carmen has enjoyed her work at the office very much and has decided she wants to advance, make more money and become an accountant. In order to become an accountant, Carmen will need to enroll in college and start working towards her degree. She knows there will be a lot of writing required in college, particularly in her Composition courses. In high school, she procrastinated until the last minute and then finished her writing assignments in a hurry. Carmen is concerned about her writing skills and fears that she will not be promoted or be able to complete her degree if she does not make some changes. 54
Case Study What suggestions would you give Carmen to be better prepared for the writing process? What is a good way to prevent waiting until the last minute? 55
Case History: Carmen Advising Carmen to use To-Do lists and other time Management techniques will help. Don’t wait to get started. It is sort of like our PEPO (Post Early, Post Often; Plan Early, Plan Often) class motto - don’t wait. Don’t take a chance for the Fiddle Theory to take effect. (Remember the Fiddle Theory?) 56
The Fiddle Theory Robert Ringer developed this “theory” that states if you fiddle around with something long enough, it is bound to go wrong. The meaning is simple. If you procrastinate and keep putting things off, you give more and more time for something to adversely affect the outcome, whereas if you tend to business on time, you take away that element. Since we don’t know what tomorrow is going to bring to the day while you can still take care of that business. So Carmen needs to avoid procrastinating. 57
Case History: Carmen Any other writing tips for Carmen? 58
Why do accountants need good writing skills? Accountant’s work is so precise. Did you know that accounting is actually the language of business? You have to be able to succinctly relay your information to corporate managers. They will base many important decisions on the information accountants provide. Effective writing in addition to number skills is important. 59
Two hours per week dedicated to AIM. AIM Office Hours are generally Wednesdays 2-3 pm and Thursdays 6-7 pm ET. I am often online and logged into AIM. Feel free to take aim at me! Also available through MEEBO through the classroom, Virtual Office, email, phone, texting… Phone: 616 516-9780 (10am-8pm ET) Tech Support: 866 522-7747 AIM: PurpleLinW Be sure to include your name when AIM or text! Email: How can you reach me? 61
62 Thank you again for being here today. I hope you’ve learned a lot ~ and had fun along the way! See you next week ~ same time ~ same place! Thank you again for being here today. I thought I’d leave you with this interesting picture… Something to think about, read about? Or write about?!?
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