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 Daily Objective: To appreciate the beauty and majesty of famous writers’ poetry in order to be inspired to write our own poems that will be just as awe-inspiring.

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Presentation on theme: " Daily Objective: To appreciate the beauty and majesty of famous writers’ poetry in order to be inspired to write our own poems that will be just as awe-inspiring."— Presentation transcript:

1  Daily Objective: To appreciate the beauty and majesty of famous writers’ poetry in order to be inspired to write our own poems that will be just as awe-inspiring and thought provoking.  Daily Assignments: ◦ Finish watching Dead Poets Society and complete activity on it ◦ Begin poetry unit by reading “Those Winter Sundays” and writing a poem about a relative ◦ Read “Dulce et Decorum Est” and “Grass”—write a poem on the topic of war ◦ RLARS for the last 15 minutes of class

2  Daily Objective: To write poems modeled after those written by famous authors to show we could also be successful famous poets.  Daily Assignments: ◦ RLARS for 15 minutes ◦ Write a poem that is serious or comic which contains no more than two words per line OR write a monologue poem ◦ Write a poem that is a haiku OR told largely in quotations OR contains nonsense words ◦ Read:  “Ask Me”  “Doo Wop”  “Monologue for an Onion”  “White Lies”  “Comment”  “Making it in Poetry”  “Dog Haiku”  “Silence”  “Jabberwocky”

3  Daily Objective: To appreciate that a song can be viewed as a work of art.  Daily Assignments: ◦ Read “Richard Cory,” “The Ballad of Birmingham,” and “The Times They Are a-Changin’” ◦ Assign, work on, and turn in Song Presentation; if time, we will begin presenting them

4  Daily Objective: To appreciate the language, culture, and themes present in Sandra Cisneros’ writing.  Daily Assignments: ◦ Complete Art activity on The House on Mango Street ◦ RLARS for last part of class

5  Daily Objective: To appreciate the language, culture, and themes present in Sandra Cisneros’ writing.  Daily Assignments: ◦ Complete multiple choice and argument essay for AP Exam on The House on Mango Street

6  Daily Objective: To appreciate the language, culture, and themes present in Sandra Cisneros’ writing.  Daily Assignments: ◦ Complete synthesis and rhetorical analysis essay for AP Exam on The House on Mango Street

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