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1. You need to plot the points to see which points make up the hypotenuse. Then find the distance between those two points.

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Presentation on theme: "1. You need to plot the points to see which points make up the hypotenuse. Then find the distance between those two points."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. You need to plot the points to see which points make up the hypotenuse. Then find the distance between those two points.

2 2. Memorization problem Perpendicular has opposite reciprocal slopes and parallel has same slopes

3 3. When you are given an equation and a point…you just use the slope from the equation, then use the point and that slope to solve for b. **if you are asked to find a perpendicular line, then you will change the slope from the equation before you use it to find b

4 4. All need to be in slope intercept form first y=mx+b

5 5. Plot the points it gives you then you can use the answer choices and plot those to see which one will complete the rectangle. A rectangle should have congruent opposite sides

6 6. Do the same as #5

7 #7 (form A) #15 (form B) Find the slope of the line that is graphed then you need to find the opposite reciprocal of that slope since you want a perpendicular line

8 #8 (form A) and #16 (form B) You need to find the distance between each of the points given in the answer choices and the origin; then choose the greatest distance

9 #9 (form A) and #17 (form B) Find the slope between each of the points.

10 #10 (form A) and #18 (form B) You need to look at the slopes you found in the problem above and decided if you have parallel lines. If you have 2 sets of parallel lines, then it is a parallelogram. In order to have 2 sets of parallel lines, you must have two sets of equal slopes.

11 #11 (form A) and #7 (form B) a.Find the coordinates of point A and C then use those to find the midpoint. b.Plot the midpoint on your triangle. If the point you found does not lie on the triangle, then you did your math wrong. Once you have the line drawn, you need to find the area of that triangle. The base is the bottom of the triangle—just count the length. Then find the height by counting how far away the top (highest point of your triangle) of the triangle is from the base. Once you know base and height, you can find the area.

12 #12 (form A) and #8 (form B) In order for the point to lie on the circle, it must be the same distance from the center as the other point on the circle. This means that you need to find the distance from the point P to the center C. Then you need to find the distance from A to C. If those distances are the same length, then that means that point A does lie on the circle. You must show the distance formula in order to justify mathematically.

13 #13 (form A) and #9 (form B) Use the partition formula. Remember “a” comes from the first number in your ratio and “b” comes from the second number in your ratio. *this is a formula you must memorize for the test!

14 #14 (form A) and #10 (form B) Use the same partition formula from the previous problem. You will need to use the formula twice to find the x value and the y value.

15 #15 (form A) and #11 (form B) You are given the equation for Busy Street so you need to take the slope from that equation. It wants a new line that is parallel to Busy Street so we keep the slope the same. Then you will take the coordinate point from the Park (-8,4) and use that and the slope to find a new b value by plugging in x, y and m into y=mx+b. Once you have the b value you will write a new equation using the b value and the slope.

16 #16 (form A) and #12 (form B) You are given the equation for Country Road so you need to take the slope from that equation. It wants a new line that is perpendicular to Country Road so we need to find the opposite reciprocal of that slope. Then you will take the coordinate point from the House (6,8) and use that and the slope to find a new b value by plugging in x, y and m into y=mx+b. Once you have the b value you will write a new equation using the b value and the new slope.

17 #17 (form A) and #13 (form B) Use the midpoint formula. First find the ordered pairs of the park and the house

18 #18 (form A) and #14 (form B) Find the ordered pairs for the school and the house. Then you will use the partition formula to find where the gas station will be located. The ratio 1:3 becomes your “a” and “b” value. You can look at #14 (form A) and #10 (form B) to see how you did partitions in that problem

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