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Managing Change Facilitated by Rachel White. Poor planning No vision Poor communication Lack of stakeholder involvement Lack of resources Lack of clarity.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Change Facilitated by Rachel White. Poor planning No vision Poor communication Lack of stakeholder involvement Lack of resources Lack of clarity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Change Facilitated by Rachel White


3 Poor planning No vision Poor communication Lack of stakeholder involvement Lack of resources Lack of clarity Insufficient resources Strong resistance No congruence




7 Task IndividualTeam


9 Circle of Influence Circle of concern

10 Circle of Influence Circle of Concern


12 Dai Williams Report from the strategic planning journal Futures, Vol.31 (6) August 1999, 609-616

13 Response to Change ?????

14 Esther Cameron and Mike Green Response to Change Nature of the Change Consequences of the change Type of individual Organizational History Individual History

15 Pragmatist, Reflector, Activist, Theorist Optimist/ Pessimist Risk taker / Safety conscious Creative / Logical


17 Knowledge Experience Capacity Trust Capabilty Energy

18 saboteursgroupies double agents mavericks Team

19 Bruce Tuckman FormingStormingNorming Performing

20 Hersey and Blanchards TellingSellingParticipatingDelegating

21 Team DevelopmentLeadership Style FormingStormingNormingPerforming TellingSellingParticipatingDelegating

22 Intrapersonal + Interpersonal = EI This is the outer intelligence we use to read, sense, understand and manage our relationships with other people This is the inner-intelligence we use to know, understand and motivate ourselves

23 Self Awareness Emotional self awareness Accurate self assessment Self confidence Self Managemen t Self control Transparency Adaptability Achievement Initiative Optimism Social Awareness Empathy Organisational awareness Service Relationship Managemen t Inspiration Influence Developing others Change catalyst Conflict management Teamwork and collaboration

24 Appreciate individual skills, knowledge and capabilities Make time to get to know them and actively listen to what they have to say You dont have to be best mates to have a good relationship Seek early solutions when you disagree Create social time Give feedback Seek opinions Support when times are tough Recognise individuality Show courtesy

25 CharacterCompetencies Talk straight Demonstrate respect Create transparency Right wrongs Show loyalty Deliver results Get better Confront reality Clarify expectations Practise accountability 25 Listen first Keep commitments Extend trust

26 C ommunicate S upport I nvolve

27 Problem solving Reframing Appreciative enquiry Participatory decision making

28 If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always gotten. W. L. Bateman

29 A Simple Route Cause Analysis 1.Why ? 2.Why ? 3.Why ? 4.Why ? 5.Why ?


31 Four Guiding Principles: 1. Every system works to some degree; seek out the positive, appreciate the "best of what is." 2. Knowledge generated by the inquiry should be applicable; look at what is possible & relevant. 3. Systems are capable of becoming more than they are, and they can learn how to guide their own evolution -- so consider provocative challenges & bold dreams of "what might be." 4. The process & outcome of the inquiry are interrelated and inseparable, so make the process a collaborative one.

32 Core Values Full Participation Mutual Understanding Inclusive Solutions Shared Responsibilty

33 Closure Zone Change Item Divergent Zone Groan Zone Convergent Zone Decision Point Time Participatory Decision Making

34 Traffic light approach



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