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Support Staff Networking. Introduction Delegates were nominated at the first ever Support Staff conference at Walkers Stadium to establish a Network for.

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Presentation on theme: "Support Staff Networking. Introduction Delegates were nominated at the first ever Support Staff conference at Walkers Stadium to establish a Network for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Support Staff Networking

2 Introduction Delegates were nominated at the first ever Support Staff conference at Walkers Stadium to establish a Network for Classroom Support Staff.

3 Purpose of Network The Network provides an opportunity for classroom support staff to share practice, knowledge and ideas Develops support staffs roles as professionals and enriches childrens learning.

4 Principles of Networking A forum for professional dialogue. Identify strategies for communicating. with all classroom support staff. Reduce isolation of colleagues. Strengthen communication between primary and secondary schools. Act in a professional manner, and respect the views of all members.

5 First steps to establishing a network Target Heads of schools to seek their approval – outlining the benefits of networks. Create a newsletter to distribute to all schools give information of benefits, set meeting dates and agenda. Invite one or two colleagues from each school to attend meeting, they can then go back into their school to liase with their staff members.

6 Benefits of a Network Share specialist skills – talents Support for planning ideas and resources for PPA cover. Observe colleagues in other settings. Share training Support Staff deliver training, give advice Share resources e.g. Costumes, plans, visual display resources etc

7 Benefits of a Network contd Links between KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 Share information and strategies to gain smooth and successful transitions. Share strategies for behaviour management. Visit lead settings Raises profile of Support Staff

8 Ways of communicating with members Email Newsletter Website Forum

9 Outwoods Message Board Post questions Respond to other people Post advice: plans, strategies Dates and information Web link… Password = outwoods


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