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Headquarters Marine Forces Reserves SENIOR ENLISTED ASSOCIATION (SEA) Move to call the meeting to start.

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Presentation on theme: "Headquarters Marine Forces Reserves SENIOR ENLISTED ASSOCIATION (SEA) Move to call the meeting to start."— Presentation transcript:


2 Headquarters Marine Forces Reserves SENIOR ENLISTED ASSOCIATION (SEA) Move to call the meeting to start

3 Headquarters Marine Forces Reserves Senior Enlisted Association Welcome Introduction Why Participate

4 Itinerary Welcome/Introduction SEA Mission Concept of Operations SEA Rules of Order Executive Director Standing Committees Website Questions Committee Selection Headquarters Marine Forces Reserves Senior Enlisted Association

5 Mission The mission of the Senior Enlisted Association is to be an action oriented, collective, synergistic, community that promotes and drives enlisted personal and professional development and morale/welfare.

6 Mission Core At the core of this mission are the following three specific mission directives. 1. Create develop and implement programs that drive Marine Corps PPD programs and improve moral. 2. To be the source of encouragement that inspires 100% of individual enlisted participation and success in Personal and Professional Development (PPD). 3. To evaluate, measure and report to the Executive Board the effectiveness of the Senior Enlisted Association Headquarters Marine Forces Reserves Senior Enlisted Association

7 Executive Directors Committee Senior Enlisted Association Members Standing Committees Standing Committees Standing Committees Standing Committees Standing Committees Standing Committees Standing Committees Standing Committees Concept of Operations Association

8 Chairman Vice Chairman President Vice President 2 Executive Directors HQ MFR 2 Executive Directors HQ 4 th MARDIV 2 Executive Directors HQ 4 th MAW 2 Executive Directors HQ 4 th FSSG Outside influence Inside influence Executive Directors Committee Headquarters Marine Forces Reserves Senior Enlisted Association

9 Interim ED’s Headquarters Marine Forces Reserves Senior Enlisted Association Chairman MGySgt Hall, Wesley Jr. Vice Chairman MGySgt Rodriguez, Santiago V. President MGySgt Pearman, Clint D. Vice President Chief Bailey Veronica, A

10 MSC Executive Directors ED's MFR MSgt Parker, Antonio ED's 4th MARDIV MGySgt Perkins, James L. ED's 4th MAW MGySgt Villasenor, Jose ED's 4th FSSG MSgt Harris Daryle ED's 4th MARDIV MSgt Gibson, Jeffrey A. ED's MFR SSgt Peyton, Walter ED's 4th MAW ____________________ ED's 4th FSSG SSgt Anderson Lafonda N.

11 Committee Chair Committee Chair Committee Chair Committee Chair Committee Chair Committee Chair Committee Members 1 2 3 4 5 Committee Members 1 2 3 4 5 Committee Members 1 2 3 4 5 Committee Members 1 2 3 4 5 Committee Members 1 2 3 4 5 Committee Members 1 2 3 4 5 Standing Committees Headquarters Marine Forces Reserves Senior Enlisted Association

12 Leadership Committee Personal Development Committee New Promotion Committee Moral & Welfare Committee The Mentor Ship Committee CMC Reading Program Committee Future Plans and Operations Program Effectiveness Committee Others Committee Examples Professional Development Committee Headquarters Marine Forces Reserves Senior Enlisted Association Family Advocacy

13 SEA Rules of Order Chair has floor Say it in 30 seconds or less or request more time Chair must recognize you to speak Members can Move to park a topic for later discussion All Moves must be second Headquarters Marine Forces Reserves Senior Enlisted Association

14 Website Headquarters Marine Forces Reserve Senior Enlisted Association Welcome In the natural order of things, Marines will be promoted into ranks in which they must accept increasing amounts of responsibility. Those of us who have reached the summit in the enlisted ranks have a duty to our junior Marines to prepare them for these future challenges. By doing this effectively, we also guarantee that future generations of Marines will benefit from our traditionally outstanding leadership. As Staff Non-Commissioned Officers, we owe it to our junior Marines, their parents, and to our Nation, that when they get discharged from the United States Marine Corps, they should be far better men and women physically, mentally, morally and intellectually than when they enlisted. Modified from: General John A. Lejeune, Marine Corps Manual As SNCO's we have a moral obligation to develop ourselves and our Marines into better all around people. A big part of the success or failure of this process is whether we have a clear and precise program that promotes and drives personal and professional development (PPD) at all levels within the enlisted. Home Our Mission Standing Committees Executive Directors Committee SEA Rules of Order Policy and Procedures Meeting Minutes Membership Page MFR SEA BLOG Contact Us Activity Calendar

15 Questions/Comments

16 Discuss Structure

17 Discuss Mission

18 Get Agreement on Mission

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