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The APC tumor suppressor counteracts  -catenin activation and H3K4 methylation at Wnt target genes Sierra et al., Genes & Dev., 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "The APC tumor suppressor counteracts  -catenin activation and H3K4 methylation at Wnt target genes Sierra et al., Genes & Dev., 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 The APC tumor suppressor counteracts  -catenin activation and H3K4 methylation at Wnt target genes Sierra et al., Genes & Dev., 2006

2 Regulatory Domain Activation Domain Armadillo Repeat Tutter et al. Genes & Dev., 2001 The Identification of proteins that bind to the b-cat CTARM domain MALDI-TOF Identification of CTARM-interacting Proetin: Subunits from chromatin remodeling complexes - Subunits of TRRAP/TIP60 HAT complexes - ISW1 - SET-type complex protein, MLL1/MLL2 Chromatin-specific activation domain A

3 BAF57: required for H2B ubiquitination HeLa NE SW480 NE B

4 MLL2 may contribute to  -cat-mediated induction of c-Myc transcription in vivo. The  -cat activation domain associates with active histone H3 methylation complexes. H3K4 Methylation or H2B ubiquitination steps may be important for  -cat activity Analysis of HMT or HAT activity using GST-CTARM pulldown fraction CD

5 Ubiquitin is required for  -cat trans-activation of chromatin pBRE templates in vitro CUE domain: bind tightly to monoubiquitin The CUE domain competes for transcription on chromatin in vitro. The in vitro chromatin-based transcription assay using pBRE Not block the cooperative binding of b-cat and Lef-1 to chromatin AB

6  -Cat and other Wnt pathway-specific regulators cycle on and off the c-Myc enhacer in LiCl-treated cells To test whether  -cat regulates H3K4 trimethylation at Wnt target genes in vivo Lithium-treated C2C12 cells A B Reveal that cyclic pattern of alternating coactivator and corepressor complexes C

7 H3K4Me incresed strongly at the c-Myc gene APC and  -TrCP appeared together with  -cat Destruction complex subunits may participate in transcription Continued Disassemble the Wnt enhancer complex Mediate the change of coactivators and corepressor complexes between transcription cycles D

8 Anaylsis of APC-induced shut-off c-Myc gene transcription in the HT29-APC CRC cell line MT: zinc-inducible metallothionein promoter B A HT-29 contains no intact APC protein; instead, two C-terminal-truncated APC proteins

9 RNAPII, CDK9, trimethylated H3K4 were present at high levels at the active c-Myc gene  -cat and the associated coactivators do not cycle on and off of the enhancer APC-mediated shut-off of c-Myc transcription proceeds in two step The transient binding of full-length APC and the CtBP corepressor to the enhancer The stable binding of TLE-1 and HDAC to the region, resulting in the repression of the target gene APC acts directly and immediately to facilitate the repression of Wnt target genes C

10 Binding of  -cat to CK1a-phosphorylated APC inhibits LEF-1:  -cat transcription in vitro APC-A,B,C -2,3 Phosphorylation of the APC-2,3 by CK1  enhances its affinity for  -cat B A Xing et al., Mol Cell, 2004

11 Test the DNA-binding activity of these complexes using EMSA P-APC-2,3 compete for the formation of the b-cat:LEF-1:DNA complex CK1 phosphorylation of APC may induce high-affinity binding to b-cat and trigger its dissociation from LEF-1 DC

12 Wild-type, but not mutant, APC proteins associate with the CtBP corepressor in extract APC interacts directly with CtBP Hamada et al., Dev Cell, 2004 CtBP does not associate with truncated APC proteins on DNA in vivo

13 The full-length APC protein preferentially interacts with CtBP Continued B A

14 Post-translational modifications govern the interactions between different Wnt transcriptional regulators APC may have a nuclear function, seprate from exporting b-catenin, came from the studie of its interaction with CtBP APC sequesters b-catenin in the nucleus and away from Wnt target gene promoters by targeting it to CtBP APC may have evolved a dual mechanism to negatively regulate  -catenin Exporting  -catenin from the nucleus out to the cytoplasm for degradation Directly to counteract  -cat-mediated transcription at Wnt target genes in vivo

15 Post-translational modifications govern the interactions between different Wnt transcriptional regulators

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