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College Composition I: Unit 5 Seminar. Unit 5 Work  Unit 5 work due Tonight:  Reading  Seminar  Discussion  Project.

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Presentation on theme: "College Composition I: Unit 5 Seminar. Unit 5 Work  Unit 5 work due Tonight:  Reading  Seminar  Discussion  Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 College Composition I: Unit 5 Seminar

2 Unit 5 Work  Unit 5 work due Tonight:  Reading  Seminar  Discussion  Project

3 Unit 5 Work  Reading  Outlines  Body Paragraphs

4 Unit 5 Work  Discussion:  Have your Unit 3 project handy!  Create an original posting that includes your thesis sentence and a draft (rough) body paragraph (no APA necessary) created from the thesis point of your choice.

5 Unit 5 Work  Discussion:  Respond to at least two posts:  Do you see how the body paragraph relates to the thesis point?  Is the body paragraph about only that one thesis point (as it should be), or do other ideas appear in the paragraph?  Is there anything you would change, and, if so, why and how would you change that element of the paragraph?  As always, take others’ feelings into consideration, but we remember that we can write more effectively when readers make recommendations about our writing. We are all in this together!

6 Unit 5 Work  Discussion:  Note: As an optional activity in this discussion, consider adding to your original post how one might give a speech using only an outline. Have you ever heard someone speak using what seemed to be an outline? If so, how could you tell, and how did this approach affect your listening experience?

7 Unit 5 Work  Seminar  You’re here!  Only 4 more seminars to go!

8 Unit 5 Work  Project  Create an outline for your informative essay:  Your outline must include your thesis statement with three key points  I is the Introduction  II–IV should represent body paragraphs and begin with topic sentences  V should be the conclusion  Each body-paragraph outline level (II–IV) must include at least two supporting details and evidence that support those points.

9 Unit 5 Work  Project  The more complete your outline, the easier it will be to write your informative essay.  Your outline should follow the format we discuss during tonight’s seminar.  Double-spaced, Roman numeral outline.  Points should be full sentences.  Remember to include complete APA-style citations for all outside sources you use, both in the text and in the references page. To review in-text and full citations, go to the Unit 4 reading.  Check out the sample outline in the Project area!

10 Questions?

11 Lecture  There are three reasons to write an outline before you write an essay.  It will help you identify your key points  It will help you organize those points  It will help you discover important supporting details

12 Lecture  The outline you do for this course must contain:  The thesis statement  Three (3) key points  Two (2) supporting details per point

13 Lecture: Outlining I. Introduction A. Capture the audience’s attention (your hook) B. Background C. Thesis statement Remember, the thesis statement is always the last sentence in the introduction.

14 Lecture: Outlining II. Topic sentence for first point A. Supporting evidence B. Supporting evidence III. Topic sentence for second point A. Supporting evidence B. Supporting evidence IV. Topic sentence for third point A. Supporting evidence B. Supporting evidence

15 Lecture: Outlining V. Conclusion A. Restatement of thesis B. Recap of the key points (II, III, IV) C. Closing thought

16 Lecture: Outlining  Only I (Introduction) and V (Conclusion) are one word  Everything else should be a minimum of one sentence  Much of the points and evidence can be quotes or paraphrases (it’s a good idea to do so, actually!), but it must all be properly cited.

17 Questions? Where do we go from here?

18 Lecture: Practice  From Donya C. Arias’s 2004 article “Alternative Medicines’ Popularity Prompts Concern,” page 6: “More than a third of U.S. citizens use some form of alternative and complementary medicine, according to a federal survey, and international public health officials are warning that such remedies need better regulation and monitoring.”  Let's paraphrase first!

19 Lecture: Practice  From Donya C. Arias’s 2004 article “Alternative Medicines’ Popularity Prompts Concern,” page 6: “More than a third of U.S. citizens use some form of alternative and complementary medicine, according to a federal survey, and international public health officials are warning that such remedies need better regulation and monitoring.”  Here's mine: According to Arias (2004), alternative medicine is popular - over 30% surveyed admit using it to some extent - but health officials believe there may be safety issues due to a lack of monitoring and regulation.

20 Lecture: Practice  Remember, when quoting:  Use quotation marks  Introduce it  Use page numbers (when available)

21 Lecture: Practice  Here's the original :  From Donya C. Arias’s 2004 article “Alternative Medicines’ Popularity Prompts Concern,” page 6: “More than a third of U.S. citizens use some form of alternative and complementary medicine, according to a federal survey, and international public health officials are warning that such remedies need better regulation and monitoring.”

22 Lecture: Practice  Here's the original : From Donya C. Arias’s 2004 article “Alternative Medicines’ Popularity Prompts Concern,” page 6: “More than a third of U.S. citizens use some form of alternative and complementary medicine, according to a federal survey, and international public health officials are warning that such remedies need better regulation and monitoring.”  Here's mine: While it has been found that "more than a third of U.S. citizens use some form of alternative and complementary medicine…international public health officials are warning that such remedies need better regulation and monitoring" (Arias, 2004, pg. 6).

23 Questions?

24 College Composition I: Unit 5 Seminar The End

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