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Fruits When fresh they are known as Produce. Square Watermelons!!! Why??

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Presentation on theme: "Fruits When fresh they are known as Produce. Square Watermelons!!! Why??"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fruits When fresh they are known as Produce

2 Square Watermelons!!! Why??

3 Enzymatic Browning: A chemical reaction that causes darkening of the flesh of a fruit or vegetable after exposure to oxygen in the air. It can be prevented by using ascorbic acid, which is vitamin C. Dip fruit into lemon, grapefruit or orange juice to prevent browning.

4 When Choosing Fresh Fruit Consider: Condition- Avoid bruising, spots, or decay Denseness- Should be plump and firm. Avoid if dry, withered, very soft or very hard Color- Should be typical for that fruit

5 When Choosing Fresh Fruit Consider: Aroma- A pleasant aroma is a sign of ripe fruit Size- It should be heavy for it’s size, this indicates juiciness Shape- If not in the typical shape of that fruit, it may not have good flavor or texture

6 Mature Fruits: Have reached their full size and color but may not be ripe

7 Ripe Fruits: Tender with a pleasant aroma

8 Storing Fruits: Never wash before storing. The moisture can cause mold and faster spoilage. Under ripe fruits- Keep at room temperature Bananas- Keep at room temperature, refrigeration after they are ripe is ok, but it causes the skin to brown Berries, cherries, and grapes- Sort out damaged or decayed fruit  Refrigerate in perforated plastic bag or container  Or in a covered shallow container  Or uncovered in the crisper drawer

9 Storing Fruits: Never wash before storing. The moisture can cause mold and faster spoilage. Citrus fruits- At room temperature or refrigerate uncovered for longer storage times Other ripe fruits- Store uncovered in the refrigerator crisper drawer or in a perforated plastic bag Cut fruits- Refrigerated in an airtight container or plastic bag

10 The Six Fruit Groups

11 Pomes Characteristics: smooth skin and an enlarged fleshy area that surrounds the core Papery, sweet flesh attracts animals to eat them, spreading their seeds

12 Drupes Characteristics: contain a single seed, or pit, surrounded by juicy flesh Also known as “Stone Fruit”

13 Berries Characteristics: fragile cell structure; pulpy and juicy; tiny seeds embedded in flesh

14 Melons Characteristics: hard outer surface that is smooth or netted; juicy flesh

15 Citrus Fruits Characteristics: grow in warm regions; firm rind and pulpy flesh

16 Tropical Fruits Characteristics: grow in very warm climates; differ in skin composition and seed characteristics

17 Name the Fruit Groups!

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