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MC Sub-Committee for Workplanning: Recommendations Report Chair/presenter: Paul Laurent.

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Presentation on theme: "MC Sub-Committee for Workplanning: Recommendations Report Chair/presenter: Paul Laurent."— Presentation transcript:

1 MC Sub-Committee for Workplanning: Recommendations Report Chair/presenter: Paul Laurent

2 Purpose To fulfill the MC’s requirement to: Provide guidance to the Plenary on the broad objectives envisioned by the NSTIC, produce work-plans to prioritize work items and monitor progress, ensure that Steering Group work activities align with the NSTIC Guiding Principles (IDESG ROA, section 2.2) The Subcommittee discussed and reviewed committee workplans, charters, IDESG foundational documents, and the NSTIC in order to:  Identify priority work activities for the steering group  Determine the status of current work items  Identify a core set of strategic objectives to drive priority activities through plenary during 2013

3 Approach The SC implemented an approach designed to make a distinction between jurisdictions of committees and the work output of activities The figure below captures this distinction and the relationship between the concepts.

4 Recommendations The SC has developed three sets of recommendations that address:  IDESG Priority Objectives - What must the IDESG accomplish in 2013?  Priority IDESG Activities – What activities are necessary to achieve our Objectives?  IDESG Structural Issues - Is the current Committee structure appropriate for achieving the IDESG’s goals?

5 Recommendations: IDESG Priority Objectives 5 The SC recommends the following Priority Objectives for 2013:  Establish and Implement an IDESG Self-Sustainment Plan  Establish and Implement an IDESG Accreditation and Trustmark Program  Establish Defined Liaison Relationships  Implement IDESG Accreditation Program for at least 2 NSTIC Pilots  Establish and Implement the Identity Ecosystem Framework Development and Adoption Process

6 Recommendations: IDESG Activities 6 After reviewing the existing committee workplans and conducting a gap analysis based on the Priority Objectives, the SC has identified the following Priority Activities: Priority Objective: Establish and Implement an IDESG Accreditation and Trustmark Program Activity (Red indicates activities not currently indicated on committee workplans)Lead Committee Security Evaluation MethodologySecurity Liability ModelsLegal Recommendations for establishing an IDESG Trust MarkLegal Trust Framework Legal ComponentsLegal Trust Framework and Accreditation InventoryTFA IDEF Analysis and ModelLegal IDEF Privacy Accreditation RequirementsPrivacy Develop IDESG Accreditation RoadmapTFA Implement IDESG Accreditation Program and TF Adoption ProcessTFA Establish IDESG specific requirements/assessment criteria for TFs/IDPsTFA Security Framework Assessment and RecommendationSecurity Contract DevelopmentTFA Development of Brand StrategyComms & Outreach

7 Recommendations: IDESG Activities 7 Priority Objective: Establish and Implement an IDESG Self-Sustainment Plan Engagement with StakeholdersManagement Council Communications with membershipPlenary Chair Communications CoordinationComms & Outreach Internal Communications tools and proceduresComms & Outreach Long-Term Sustainability PlanManagement Council Financial Forecasting and PlanningManagement Council Develop funding/revenue structureManagement Council Implement Sustainability PlanManagement Council Establish By-laws for incorporationManagement Council Incorporate IDESG as a legal entityManagement Council Priority Objective: Establish and Implement the IEF Development and Adoption Process Standards Adoption PolicyStandards Standards Gap AnalysisStandards IDEF Development Process??? IDEF Functional Models??? Priority Objective: Establish Defined Liaison Relationships Establish defined liaisons with relevant SDOs and existing Trust FrameworksManagement Council International LiaisonsInternational Priority Objective: Implement IDESG Accreditation Program/processes for at least 2 of the NSTIC Pilot Implement IDESG Accreditation Program/processes for at least 2 of the NSTIC Pilot Demonstrations N/A

8 Recommendations: Structure 8 The SC report also contains several structural recommendations that are in process. Some specific recommendations already acted upon are:  Merge and re-charter the Trust Framework, Accreditation Coordination, and Legal & Contract Committees as a single entity.  Re-charter the International Coordination Committee and elect a chair to fill the current vacancy.  Establish new sector-specific, domain expert committees from eCommerce and retail.

9 9 Questions?

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