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Optimizing Sorting With Genetic Algorithms Xiaoming Li, María Jesús Garzarán, and David Padua University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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Presentation on theme: "Optimizing Sorting With Genetic Algorithms Xiaoming Li, María Jesús Garzarán, and David Padua University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign."— Presentation transcript:

1 Optimizing Sorting With Genetic Algorithms Xiaoming Li, María Jesús Garzarán, and David Padua University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

2 ESSL on Power3

3 ESSL on Power4

4 Outline  Our Solution  Primitives & Selection mechanisms  Genetic Algorithm  Performance results  Classifier System  Conclusion

5 Motivation  No universally best sorting algorithm  Can we automatically GENERATE and tune sorting algorithms for each platform (such as FFTW and Spiral)? –Performance of sorting on the platform and on the input characteristics.  The algorithm selection may not be enough.

6 Algorithm Selection (CGO’04)  Select the best algorithm from Quicksort, Multiway Merge Sort and CC-radix.  Relevant input characteristics: number of keys, entropy vector.

7 Algorithm Selection (CGO’0

8 Proposed Solution  We need different algorithms for different partitions  The best sorting algorithm should be the result of the composition of the these different best algorithms.  Build Composite Sorting algorithms –Identify primitives from the sorting algorithms –Design a general method to select an appropriate sorting primitive at runtime –Design a mechanism to combine the primitives and the selection methods to generate the composite sorting algorithm

9 Outline  Our Solution  Primitives & Selection mechanisms  Genetic Algorithm  Performance results  Classifier System  Conclusion

10 Sorting Primitives  Divide-by-Value –A step in Quicksort –Select one or multiple pivots and sort the input array around these pivots –Parameter: number of pivots  Divide-by-Position (DP) –Divide input into same-size sub-partitions –Use heap to merge the multiple sorted sub-partitions –Parameters: size of sub-partitions, fan-out and size of the heap

11 Sorting Primitives  Divide-by-Radix (DR) –Non-comparison based sorting algorithm –Parameter: radix (r bits) –Step 1: Scan the input to get distribution array, which records how many elements in each of the 2 r sub-partitions. –Step 2: Compute the accumulative distribution array, which is used as the indexes when copying the input to the destination array. –Step 3: Copy the input to the 2 r sub-partitions. 1 1 1 1 01230123 counter 0 1 2 3 01230123 accum.dest. 11 23 30 12 src. 30 11 12 23 1 2 3 4

12 Sorting Primitives  Divide-by-radix-assuming-uniform-distribution (DU) –Step 1 and Step 2 in DR are expensive. –If the input elements are distributed among 2 r sub-partitions near evenly, the input can be copied into the destination array directly assuming every partition have the same number of elements. –Overhead: partition overflow –Parameter: radix (r bits) 0 1 2 3 01230123 accum.dest.src. 1 2 3 4 30 11 12 23 11 23 30 12

13 Selection Primitives Branch-by-Size Branch-by-Entropy –Parameter: number of branches, threshold vector of the branches

14 Leaf Primitives  When the size of a partition is small, we stick to one algorithm to sort the partition fully.  Two methods are used in the cleanup operation –Quicksort –CC-Radix

15 Composite Sorting Algorithms The composite sorting algorithms are built from these primitives. The algorithms have shapes of tree.

16 Outline  Our Solution  Primitives & Selection mechanisms  Genetic Algorithm  Performance results  Classifier System  Conclusion

17 Search Strategy  Search the best tree  Search the best parameter values of the primitives –Good solutions for small size problem should be retained to use in the solution for larger problem.  Genetic algorithms are a natural solution that satisfy the requirements: –Preserve good sub-trees –Give good sub-trees more chances to propagate

18 Composite Sorting Algorithms Search the best parameter values to adapt –To the architectural features –To the input characteristics

19 Search Strategy  Search for the best tree  Search for the best parameter values of the primitives –Good solutions for small size problem should be retained to use in the solution for larger problem.  Genetic algorithms are a natural solution that satisfy the requirements: –Preserve good sub-trees –Give good sub-trees more chances to propagate

20 Genetic Algorithm Mutation –Mutate the structure of the algorithm. –Change the parameter values of primitives.

21 Crossover Propagate good sub-trees

22 Fitness Function  A fitness function measures the relative performance of the genomes in a population.  The average performance of a genome on the training inputs is the base for the fitness of the genome.  A genome which performs well across inputs is preferred –fitness is penalized when performance varies across the test inputs

23 Library Generation  Installation phase: Use genetic algorithm to search for the sorting genome. –Set of genomes in initial population –Test the genomes in a set of inputs with different characteristics

24 Outline  Our Solution  Primitives & Selection mechanisms  Genetic Algorithm  Performance results  Classifier System  Conclusion

25 Platforms  AMD Athlon MP  Sun UltraSparcIII  SGI R12000  IBM Power3  IBM Power4  Intel Itanium2  Intel Xeon

26 AMD Athlon MP

27 Power3

28 Multiple-peak Performance

29 Outline  Our Solution  Primitives & Selection mechanisms  Genetic Algorithm  Performance results  Classifier System  Conclusion

30 The best genomes in different regions

31 Problems of Genetic Adaptation  Fitness function is the average performance of the genome on the test inputs.  Fitness function in our genetic algorithm prefers genomes with stable performance  The genetic algorithm is not powerful enough to evolve into the complex genome which chooses the best genome in each small region

32 Using Classifier System  Search the best genomes for different regions of the input characteristics. –Selects the regions –Selects the best algorithm for each region  Nice feature: The fitness of a genomes in a region will not be affected by its fitness in other regions

33 Map sorting composition into a classifier system  The input characteristics (number of keys and entropy vector) are encoded into bit strings.  A rule in the classifier system has two parts –Condition: A string consisting of ‘0’, ‘1’, and ‘*’. Condition string will be used to match the encoded input characteristics. –Action: Sorting genomes without branch primitives

34 Example for Classifier Sorting Example: –For inputs of up-to 16M keys –Encode number of keys with 4 bits. 0000: 0~1M, 0001: 1~2M… Number of keys = 10.5M. Encoded into “1100” ConditionActionFitnessAccuracy (dr 5 (lq 1 16)) …… (dp 4 2 ( lr 5 16)) …… …… 1100 01** 1010 110*(dv 2 ( lr 6 16))

35 Performance of Classifier Sorting Power3

36 Power4

37 Conclusions  Replace the complexity of finding an efficient algorithm with the task of defining a set of generic primitives.  Design methods to search in the space of the composition of the primitives. Genetic algorithms Classifier system

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