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Class/Subject: Social Studies (Grade Five) Objective: Students will describe six facts about South Dakota from the power point presentation shown in class.

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Presentation on theme: "Class/Subject: Social Studies (Grade Five) Objective: Students will describe six facts about South Dakota from the power point presentation shown in class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class/Subject: Social Studies (Grade Five) Objective: Students will describe six facts about South Dakota from the power point presentation shown in class. (1.01) Lesson Component Description of Setting, Phraseology, and Activities Necessary Materials & Supplies Time Focus and Review Can anyone tell me three facts about Arizona that we learned yesterday? None5 Statement of Objectives Today we are going to learn about another state out west, South Dakota. None1 Teacher Input I will show them the power point slide show on South Dakota. Computer connected to the classroom T.V. Power point slide show 10 Guided Practice Students will do research in groups to find out more information on South Dakota. Each group will then present another new fact they learned to the whole class. Research books from Library15 Independent Practice The students will write a one page report on the interesting facts they learned in class about South Dakota. Pens and Paper14 Closure What was your favorite fact about South Dakota? None5



4 South Dakota’s Capital is Pierre.

5 The Chinese ring- necked pheasant is the state bird. It was introduced to South Dakota in 1898 and is easily recognized by its colorful plumage. It is also known for its delicious meat. Since it is primarily a Midwestern bird, pheasant is considered a delicacy in many other states.

6 Under God the people rule Pasque Flower The pasque is the state flower. It is also called the May Day flower. It grows wild throughout the state, and its blooming is one of the first signs of spring in South Dakota. A member of the buttercup family, the pasque is a small, lavender flower.

7 The South Dakota flag features the state seal surrounded by a golden blazing sun in a field of sky blue. Letters reading "South Dakota, The Mount Rushmore State", the official state nickname, are arranged in a circle around the sun. South Dakota State Flag

8 “Mount Rushmore State” Four Presidents 1) George Washington 2) Thomas Jefferson 3) Theodore Roosevelt 4) Abraham Lincoln. > 60-foot high faces > 500-feet up

9 Badlands in the Little Missouri National Grassland

10 Hail! South Dakota, A great state of the land, Health, wealth and beauty, That's what makes her grand; She has her Black Hills, And mines with gold so rare, And with her scenery, No other state can compare. Come where the sun shines, And where life's worth your while, You won't be here long, 'Till you'll wear a smile; No state's so healthy, And no folk quite so true, To South Dakota. We welcome you. Hail! South Dakota, The state we love the best, Land of our fathers, Builders of the west; Home of the Badlands, and Rushmore's ageless shrine, Black Hills and prairies, Farmland and Sunshine. Hills, farms and prairies, Blessed with bright Sunshine.

11 The state animal is the coyote. The walleye is the state fish.

12 Rodeo is South Dakota’s official state sport and can be found in arenas through the state and throughout the year.


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